Product of the week – Vanrobaeys BactoStar…

Health begins in the colon.

Already Paracelsus, the famous physician and naturalist realized that in the 16th century. Hardly a special body directly affects well-being. It supplies the whole organism with the necessary food energy. In simple terms: the system must be thousands substances – our re food -aufnehmen convert into endogenous or actionable and indigestible finally retire.

Even more:
The digestive tract is home to approximately 70 percent of the defense cells. They are pathogenic agents and make toxins harmless. The mainly come from food into the body. (Quote: The healthy is thus possible to understand what adverse effect on the pigeon body and can affect the immune system related:

  • After an Antibiotikakur by salmonella.
  • After vaccination
  • After stress phases in the tourist season.
  • After and during the young pigeon breeding.

The offered mixture of enteric constituent bacteria and quickly digestible nutrients provides precisely during these periods, the possibility of a targeted reconstruction of damaged intestinal flora Due to the specific anatomy of pigeons intestine (short intestine) requires the dove in critical situations the disease quickly quality available nutrients in the Bacto Star are included.


tie after antibiotic treatment daily for 1 week 10g per kg feed with yoghurt. In the travel time at the beginning and end of the week 10g per kg feed with Flexistar other starting bind three weeks prior to departure.


  • AIDS digestion
  • Construction and protection of the intestinal flora
  • Construction of the immune system

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vanrobaeys bactostar

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