Select pigeons aware HYP100 – the revolutionary new energy drink…

Energy drink for pigeons of the highest quality with all the important proportions of vitamins and essential amino acids, a perfect combination. During travel time, HYP100 helps reduce thirst during high temperatures and exertion, providing post-flight recovery with the added combination of electrolytes and probiotics. In addition, HYP100 contains many minerals and a high proportion of magnesium, which provide additional protection for the pigeons and reduce lopsided flying. The high proportion of calcium and vitamin B provides additional protection for the muscles and tendons.

Vanrobaeys hyp June 1 Vanrobaeys hyp June 2 Vanrobaeys hyp June 3 Vanrobaeys hyp June 4 Vanrobaeys hyp June 5 Vanrobaeys hyp June 6

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