MALLORCA DERBY – Eingewöhnungsphase for a t…

mallorca derby

Derby pigeons are assigned

For several weeks, the Derby pigeons are now on the club system in Inca-Senselles and have been able to settle. In recent days they have been assigned, and today, on 04 August 2017, the first training flight is conducted. With 615 pigeons that the flights will be started. Thus, unfortunately, the certainty is related that 56 Derbytauben the adjustment period have not survived and fell to the raptor prey. In the assignment list can you see which pigeons have been lost. Thus the number of losses compared to last year has remained constant, and it starts with the largest number so far achieved pigeons. This also shows that the pigeons can go fit, healthy and well prepared for the tasks ahead. We hope for good weather and little loss-making training flights. We will report promptly about it.

The arrival list of the first training flight, they see here…(click)


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