In September 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

Die Mauserzeit

In my opinion, the moulting season is one of the most important times of the year.

For many fanciers it is the time to turn away from the pigeons and to make more time for family and other matters that deserve the attention it deserves. A well deserved vacation Example. This is understandable, especially since the performances during the racing season were disappointing. It's often a difficult time to motivate them to give the pigeons the attention they deserve deserved. But this would be more than important. Underestimating the Mauser is the prelude to the disappointments of the following year. The Quality of the feathers also depends on the care during moulting. Good diet, regular bath and plenty of air and light (aviary) in this time is of great importance. In addition, it is important in this time to give a good mineral mix to fill in deficits prevent in any way.

There are several good mixes available. The pigeons can then choose and find what they instinctively need. Especially in the moult it is important to give the pigeons enough minerals offer. The moult is a time of high to very high metabolic activity. The liver works at full speed to to produce necessary materials for spring formation and in sufficient quantity to the place where they are needed. In During this time, the liver must be supported in its performance. Additional loads should be avoided. It's a time in stress should be avoided. This is the only way we can lay a good foundation for the coming racing season.

Vitamins, minerals and medicines

For years I have recommended an old-fashioned tea cure with moulting seeds at the beginning of the moult to rid the body of old waste products. It takes some effort to make fresh tea every day, but they get something in return. The various chol(ine) products, such as Sedochol, Bonychol, Biochol and so on, also support the cleansing of the liver. These products also usually contain added methionine and lysine and sometimes artichoke extract. During the moult we recommend giving BMT from the basic package more often. In addition to the fibers that help cleanse the intestines, it also contains proteins with sulphurous amino acids and vitamins, minerals and trace elements and finally probiotics. All substances for which there may be an increased need during the moult.

During this moulting period, it is also important to avoid medication as much as possible. Medications are essentially foreign substances that need to be detoxified and removed from the body. That alone is a good reason to hold off on this at this point unless there is no alternative. If there are any clinical findings, there is no other way. Sick pigeons molt badly. If individual animals are ill, they should also be treated individually. Precautionary cures are not acceptable. If you want to do it right, you can have your animals examined by the vet for the usual diseases (trichomoniasis, coccidiosis, worms and ectoparasites) before moulting. This can then be treated early if necessary.
If necessary, young pigeons should be treated against trichomonas as soon as possible after the last race. Because the youngsters moult very quickly after the last flight. Medication during moulting is not desirable.

Several medications can also cause feather damage. This can then be seen in deformed and malformed feathers. The vermifuge mebendazole is known for this. But also dimetridazole is one of them. If there is an unexpectedly strong coccidiosis infection at the time of moulting, Toltrazuril can be given for several days. Sulfonamides have, with exceptions, only a limited effect against coccidia, but it is better not to give them during moulting because of their feather-damaging effect. The spots where moulting damage occurs tend to break springs when subjected to stress in the spring. Incidentally, it's not just drugs that contribute to feather breakage. It can also be caused by illness or an undersupply of nutrients.
Giving prebiotics and probiotics during moult is a good decision. This supports the intestines, which then work better and the immune system is more or less spared.

The administration of probiotics and prebiotics makes it more difficult for pathogenic bacteria to gain the upper hand. The body is so quick to deal with these ever-present threats. Since the body is not fighting the various pathogens that are always lurking in pigeons during this time, the immune system remains alert. This training of the immune system is not a luxury. For this reason I try as much as possible not to use medication with young pigeons. It is important to give the pigeons the opportunity to stand up to the pathogens. This requires maximum support of the immune system in a natural way. Over the years I have developed a variety of products for this purpose, which often work in a complementary manner. When growers come to us during the season with the intention of trying our system, I usually refer them to the end of the season.

Natural Approach

Starting with a natural approach is not like that Tearing open a packet of instant pudding. Natural approach is called also a different way of thinking that one must first acquire. Man must be aware of the needs of the animals to ensure that the animals do not get sick. One should assume that this is a process and not a sure-fire success. The same applies to show pigeons. The body itself is its best healer. If he's the right one When given opportunities, the body solves its own problems. But in top-class sport, to which pigeon sport has become in recent decades has become, the pigeon body has fewer and fewer opportunities that take care of problems themselves. We want these opportunities Return pigeon by natural means. If we don't, then are we doomed to the doves with the medicines chasing, as has become commonplace in recent decades is. More and more breeders and more and more doctors are beginning to realize that we must act more preventively to avoid diseases in the pigeons avoid. I've been saying that repeatedly for a good thirty years now. But in a time when it was common to take the antibiotic pot as a solution for everyone Of course, I mostly fell on deaf ears to use trifles. Meanwhile, many doctors are forced to change their position, because governments consider the overuse of antibiotics totally undesirable and act accordingly.

What whatever the reason for the rethinking of other doctors, the Pigeon sport will use it. We need to get rid of the thought that Pigeon flocks only stay healthy with regular antibiotics can. As a rule, it is only the weak brothers who natural approach must fall through the sieve. Often these birds disappeared after a few months because they can't make it. It is actually easy.
The goal of the natural approach is to Pigeons in times of reduced immunity (and this is the time of the Production of the new plumage because a lot of energy is consumed ). to give the necessary stability in order not to resort to medicine again to have to.

To get a good start with a natural approach ensure we have a range of coordinated products put together, the so-called Bony basic package. This is in principle the optimal support of the pigeons in a natural way. if it is desired and there is a need, this package can be set to a optimal supply system can be adapted for the respective field. No two beats are the same. Each hitting condition can do a little be different, so that the focus can just be on something else. Customization is the motto for drafting one Health Guide. But fortunately there are more and more companies which offer the possibilities for a natural way of working. There are a variety of natural choices and products that work for offer to maintain the health of the pigeons. But with a little Effort everyone can put together his own natural system.

If now that we get back to our moulting topic, it becomes obvious that the issues of rest and avoidance of stress, liver support for detoxification in general, but also as a producer of building materials are of great importance for the formation of feathers. It also becomes clear that for the manufacture of new springs especially sulphurous amino acids are important. This also applies to all other amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins involved in the manufacture of springs are needed. It therefore makes sense to have proteins with high provide biological value. This means that the amino acids in these proteins should be readily available during digestion. Proteins with a lower biological value require much more energy to be used in the liver. If you're having too much protein low biological value during the season, you can see this by the blue coloring of the breast meat. The liver then needs to a lot of blood, and takes the oxygen from the blood to use it for the to use digestion.
In addition to the amino acids is also in during this period, the supply of sufficient nucleotides is recommended. Nucleotides are the building blocks of genetic material. during the During growth and moult, many new cells are created. If those Substances in sufficient supply will work the body relieved. Critics would now say that this is not necessary, because the body can produce these substances itself. That is correct. But the point here is to keep the pigeons in the as good as possible to support moulting.

What can we do to get healthy pigeons as well as possible by the Mauser?

In addition to an adequate supply of sulphur-containing amino acids and amino acids with a high biological value, an additional dose of biotin (vitamin H) makes sense. This together with the vitamins of the B complex, which play an important role in the formation of new plumage. Brewer's yeast, baker's yeast and products such as BMT largely contain vitamins from the B group. Brewer's yeast can be considered as one of the best suppliers of the B group. Supplemental vitamins A, D and E are also of interest. When supplying minerals and trace elements, it is particularly important that enough zinc is added.

It is also advisable to ensure the intake of sufficient unsaturated fatty acids during the moult. Many moult mixes contain enough seeds with unsaturated fatty acids, such as flaxseed, canola, and canola. If in doubt, always give an oil mixture with plenty of omega 3 and 6 oil with food. You can also use extra wheat germ oil to add natural vitamin E. Many artificial vitamin E supplements contain bad tocopherol. As a result, there may be shortages of other tocopherols. By using a natural source of vitamin E, you don't have this problem, because they usually contain a whole range of different forms of vitamin E.

So much for the arguments. Based on this argument, I do not share the opinion that healthy food provides enough nutrients for the moulting period.

Good luck

IMr. Peter Boskamp


You can buy the moulting package from bonyfarma here…(click)

find them on a complete overview of Bony Farma Products

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