Update: Now with exhibitor list !! Spring fair on 5./6. March 2022 – Spring fair on 5./6. March 2022

Update: Now with exhibitor list !! Spring fair on 5./6. March 2022 - Expo Houten, NL attracts more than 150 exhibitors!…(click)

Registrations for the spring fair are going well! In the meantime, the organizer has already received more than 150 registrations. Companies are very interested in being able to exhibit again. The market leaders with pigeon feed and food supplements are all represented anyway. Most of the Dutch vets are also present, as are the many organizers of one loft races who come to Houten from all over Europe to collect pigeons for their races. With some beautiful eye-catchers and the latest innovations in the field of pigeon racing, a visit to the spring fair is definitely worth it!

Registrations for the spring fair are going well! In the meantime, the organizer has already received more than 150 registrations. Companies are very interested in being able to exhibit again. The market leaders with pigeon feed and food supplements are all represented anyway. Most of the Dutch vets are also present, as are the many organizers of one loft races who come to Houten from all over Europe to collect pigeons for their races. With some beautiful eye-catchers and the latest innovations in the field of pigeon racing, a visit to the spring fair is definitely worth it!

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc.

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc. www.proffsport.nl

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc.

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc.

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc.

With extensions announced by the Dutch Ministry of Health, the fair could also allow more visitors, actually as usual. The requirements such as the mandatory wearing of mouth masks and QR codes will be announced later. The organizers will inform you promptly via all media such as the Internet, Facebook, etc.

Be sure to note the date in your diary!

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