Top results weekend 01./02. July 2023…
These are the top results from the weekend of July 1st. until 02.07.2023
Funk, Ralf & Moritz-Trierweiler
02.07.2023 Auxerre (318 km) RV 246 Tauben
3-5-8-9-12-17-21-24 etc. (13/22)
SG L. + A. Gieseking
02.07. 2023 flight from Margival 527 km RV 35 breeders, 837 pigeons,
2., 19., 25., 90., 100., 127., 167., 199….. 21/10
Reg.V.: 83 fanciers, 1993 pigeons,
7., 38., 46., 176., 189., 255., 357., 419….. 21/11
Muhl, Reinhard & Ina - Gröningen
007/01/2023 Buk (377 km) RegV. group 1,095 pigeons
6-11-26-51-53-78-101-114-142 etc. (20/30)
Kersting pigeons - Attendorn
06/30/2023 National race Nickelsdorf (753 km) 360 pigeons
1-5-13 etc.
The national victory wins the hen "Nickelaudia" from the master pair "Hero" x Maxima".
007/02/2023 Amberg (335 km) Group 1,291 pigeons
9-32-34 etc. (17/18)
SG Weber-Kleekamp – Recklinghausen
02.07.2023 Straubing (502 km) RegV. 1,965 pigeons
1-23-43-84-87-152-166 etc. (18/32)
02.07.2023 Straubing (502 km) 166 year olds
1-3-6-9-16-26-31 etc. (10/18)
Schrieber, Erwin-Graphhorst
03.07.2023 Slupca (470 km) RV 252 Tauben
2-3-5-11-12-13-18 etc. (15/28)
Brinker, Wolfgang - Vechta-Spreda
007/02/2023 Bruchsal (416 km) RV 257 pigeons
1-6-6-8-9-14-15-16-21-25-26 etc. (18/33)
Giese, Peter-Haltern
02.07.2023 Straubing (502 km) FG 450 pigeons
5-6-8-9a-9b-12a-12b-14-15-30-33-36-39-49-50-51 usw. (32/51)
Albert Derwa, Herent
08-07-2023 Vierzon 451 km Provincial 749 Alttauben
5-6-77 (3/3)
08-07-2023 Vierzon 451 km Provincial 1649 annual
24-36-60-101-416 (5/5)
Sabrina Brugmans, Halen
02-07-2023 Lorris 389 km Verbond 1698 young pigeons
35-65-68-110-110-126 (6/8)
02-07-2023 Lorris 389 km Verbond 663 Alttauben
6-37 (2/2)
02-07-2023 Lorris 389 km Verbond 1035 years old
45-47-74-86 (4/6)
02-07-2023 Nanteuil 261 km Verbond 930 young pigeons
1-17-17-21-39-42-43-43-49-74-79-85-86-113-114-124-136-159-171-181-181-188-191-219-221-250-299-305 (28/41)
02-07-2023 Soissons 208 km Verbond 1233 young pigeons
46-52-56-60-123-127-137-140-208-215-248-334-352-385 (14/20)
Leon Dautzenberg, Kerkrade
02-07-2023 Sens 357 km Department 4416 Alttauben
15-59-62-69-152-157-160-164-165-168-193-220-273-288-290-294-295-296-361-396-397-406-428-431-442-465-571-583-588-598-827-830-986-993-1383 (35/55)
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