Martin De Poorter, NL explains how it works in a video.

Marathon Pro Revolution

The ideal sports mix for building up to marathon flights, where intensive recovery and longer build-up are important. The perfect balance between proteins, fats and easily digestible amino acids means there is no strain on your metabolism. By adding the Pro-Immun Pellet, the reserves and defenses for the next flights are maximally supplemented, including through the vitamins, proteins, prebiotics and probiotics used. The pigeons eat very well until the last day because no other nutritional supplements need to be added to the food.


Pro-Immun Pellet
From Weiss
Cribbs corn gelb small
Wheat light
Cribbs corn gelb
Hemp seed
Peeled sunflower seeds
Burp corn
Cribbs corn burgundy
Katjang Idjoe (mung beans)
Small green peas
Dunpeas (peas)
Soybeans (starnuts)
millet yellow
Canary seed
Brown linseed
Peas Australian (Maple-peas)

Nutritional values

Crude fat 12.15
Crude protein 14.23
Use protein 8.50
Kohenlhydrate 46,06

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