Vanrobaeys News…

Jona & Nico Schmitt, RV Friedrichsthal-Köll

FG price list 54 breeders with 2066 Pigeons of Bar-le-Duc 138 km

84 set 72 prizes

Start with: 20,32,34,34,39

The No. 37 Vanrobaeys young birds are fed exclusively

Young pigeons exclusive

Perfectly balanced mixture trip for youngsters, easily digestible including through the enhancement of barley and Paddy Reis.

Youngsters travel Exclusive offers the perfect balance betweenLegumes, fats, carbohydrates and protein, This mixture can be fed via a travel mix safely all week.
contains these youngsters travel mixture23 different varieties of grains and seeds, including four varieties ofbest quality Cribbs corn.

SG Pitz,Anke+Florian RV Frankfurt Taunus

3. Price flight, RV price list 807 Pigeons, from Kusel 120 km

59 set 47 prices

Start with: 2,4,5,6,8,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,25,28,29 etc.

No. 49 is fed Vanrobaeys Pro Revolution Junior Sport

Junior Pro Revolution

A perfectly balanced traveling and rearing mix for young pigeons with sufficient fiber and proteins. This mixture is further refined by adding barley, paddy rice and the addition of pro-immune correls.

Since it is possible to feed this mixture daily as complete food, the intestinal flora remains extremely stable, especially in the young pigeons, which also has a positive effect if, for example, coli/adenovirus occurs. Since the contents of the pro-immune correls are equipped with the necessary vitamins, supremacist elements and pre- and pro-biotics, the development of the young pigeons is promoted in order to enable the necessary orientation and thus its results.

If the young animal flights require a little more energy, a slightly more energetic mixture such as Sport Ultra (53) can be fed at the end of the week.

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