Master quality, choose Master decide for Beyers…

Beyers Produktkatalog



Beyer is a balanced combination of experience and renewal. On the one hand, the more than century-old history of Beyers guarantees a rich experience in the production of high-quality feed mixes for pigeons, an experience that comes to fruition, such as the cleaning process of the grains. On the other hand, Beyer is always open for renewal, what ensures together with the rich history that Beyer is still leading in the area of pigeon feed.
Through the merger with Dufky the innovative techniques of the elite were introduced Enzymix mixtures at Beyers, with enzymes to better digestion are added to the feed, and through cooperation with the world of modern pigeon sport continuously optimise of its products guarantees Beyers.



At Beyer is not worked from the ivory tower on products for the pigeon market. Work at all levels of the company, from production to sales and management, pigeon breeders, standing with both feet on the modern pigeon racing. In addition very intensively is worked with the top of today's pigeon sport in the country and abroad. The mixtures and supplements can be optimized constantly through their feedback about their experiences with the products of Beyer in practice. As the pigeon sport is never still, but more intense and the burden of the deaf is increasing, it is necessary constantly to respond.



This English saying as much as "the practice prove it", and that is also the motto of Beyers. Want to lose too many words about it, that we strive for top quality for all our products, we allow our products through the results that make our customers in practice it, speak for themselves. And we don't mean only individual services but also Championships. To make the comparison with cyclists: we want that our customers not only the Sprint to win, but also a mountain stage and the yellow Jersey. That this is indeed the case in practice, stating for example from the large number of excellence of our customers over the past years. Ranging from Super results to national WINS and national championship. See examples of this evidence from practice on many pages in this catalog.
Of course it all starts with good pigeons, but in a sport that is more and more intense, is the lining of ever greater importance. Or how the Belgian top breeder included Dirk van Dyck's so aptly in words: "I would have never thought that food can make a difference, so, until I switched to the mixture of Beyers."

Here you can download the new product Gallery 2015…


Beyers Produktkatalog

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