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In this extra Edition of pigeon bids the Herbots team offers an exceptional team of 30 original deaf by Maurice Hasendonckx in an online auction on.

This team was selected strictly in the sense of a foreign buyer by Maurice as well as Jo herbots. But this buyer has not paid the pigeons. Jo Herbots so decided to offer the 30 original Hasendonckx to pigeons in an exclusive auction.

Pigeons we could write much about Hasendonckx here, but we do not have sufficient information. Maurice loves to write it... He's preferred, with its champions to travel... He loves to win top prizes. His "deaf memory" stores everything and he makes a descent, so he recorded only ring numbers.

However, this does not mean that Maurice has no outstanding pigeons and now we come to the true quality of the Hasendonckx pigeons. These pigeons not only 1st prizes on the own beat but very many breeders use these pigeons for many years as “Key to success”. Travel results by many breeders is significantly improved through the introduction of original Hasendonckx pigeons. Ask Leo Hamilton herremans, Willem de Bruyn, Eijerkamp, Cees Everling, Bogaert Chris, Hok sapin and many more in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, England...

As already gesagt...alle offered pigeons are already intense by Maurice and selektiert...wir Jo Herbots are very optimistic that these pigeons will be very successful with the new owners.

Good luck

Your team of Herbots

Herbots - First for quality pigeonsGo directly to the online auction…(click)

Maurice Hasendonckx with his good friend Willem de Bruyn. Willem is very successful with the pigeons by Maurice

In the young animal

Travel impact

In the widower

The breeding loft


Herbots - First for quality pigeonsGo directly to the online auction…(click)

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