Category archives: breeders reports
Jos Thoné – Profits from the short to the great long distance…
Anyone who has Jos Thoné once met, this description will agree: An all-around player and a winner with a very strong feeling for pigeons. Ambitious, passionate in love for pigeon racing and his day often ahead. Jos Thone – a worthy representative of the Belgian pigeon sport since 1991, starting his…
Serge Van Elsacker - for 30 years a member of the Röhnfried Racing Team…
Four decades active in the pigeon sport, almost as long there at the top of the Belgian pigeon sport and still full of joy and enthusiasm. Serge Van Elsacker has won throughout his career not only many 1st prizes provincial and inter-provincial, but also made Olympic pigeons and won a national victory. A big…
SG Vercammen…
Kleiner Bestand – große Erfolge In Vremde finden wir den Schlag von Marcel und Gunther Vercammen. Sie haben schon einen Nationalsieg von Montluçon gegen 20.875 Tauben mit ihrem “Spirit” 136-11 gewonnen. Er war auch der schnellste vom Gesamtauflass gegen 40.250 Tauben. Mittlerweile ist der Nestbruder von diesem As der…
The German champions in 2018 rely on the quality blends from the house Vanrobaeys…
Die SG besteht aus Hans Goronz aus DO-Hostedde, bei dem die Reisemannschaft beheimatet ist und Klaus Boette aus DO-Scharnhorst, bei dem die Zuchtmannschaft ihr Domizil hat. Gespielt wird in der RV Dortmund-Scharnhorst im Regionalverband 402 mit 15 RV-en und rd. 480 Schlägen. Was sich schon in 2017 anzeigte, wurde…
SG Zorn & Reinert – Care, training and achievements…
The SG Helmut & Marc anger with Udo Reinert was born in 2006 and the RV Ennepetal belongs to the Regional Association 405th Marc anger and Udo Reinert have already been drawn by the grandfather and father in childhood spell of sport. Both of them are also the ones within SG…
ROBERT MAAß – 1. Sachsen champion 2018…
Small basket - huge success! Robert - how did the travel year from your point of view? "Indescribable! Girl power at the highest level! If someone had told me that before, I would not have believed it. I travel only with relatively little doves and against a very strong competition. But that…
SG – Hoppe – 1. As females at the federal level in 2018…
The SG Hoppe consists of father Karl-Heinz and son Tobias. the RegV 409 Münsterland, and the RV Lüdinghausen is traveled for 3 years in the absolute top. Ever since the 90's have had great success, but the years 2016 to 2018 turned out to be an absolute success for years…
Frank Book – Small "basket" - great performance! How does it work?
That is the question. We want you here closer to bring in the report, when it comes to our sport friend with the little basket and the great performance this "question". We speak of Frank Book (46 years) from Nordhorn. For here, in the extreme southwest of Lower Saxony, the young family man who lives with…
Die Gebrüder Herbots oder besser gesagt die Familie Herbots ! In der Dungelstraat in Halle Booienhoven befasst sich jedes Familienmitglied mehr oder weniger mit Brieftauben. Eine Faustregel im Hause Herbots: Jedermann ist willkommen und wird mit einem Lächeln empfangen. Die Kaffekanne ist stets gefüllt, ein Schokosnack wird gerne gereicht…
Klaus Stein Brink - times among the national top ten…
There are few sports fans who make it for almost 20 years again and again to position itself in the various national competitions in the tip. One of them is the 53-year-old Klaus Stein Brink from Wallenhorst near Osnabrück. He plays in the RV v Osnabrück. 1911 (34 members) which in turn the RegV 256…