Tag archives: Klaus
Jodoferrol liquid supplementary feed for racing pigeons. Iodoferrol serves as a supplementary supply of trace elements, especially iodine and iron. They are suitable for stimulating the metabolism, increasing performance and improving oxygen uptake. After the flight, they ensure that the carrier pigeons recover quickly and prevent dehydration and trace element deficiencies. Feeding instructions: 1x after during the travel season…
SG Christoph, Marion and Marvin Vortkamp, RV Ahaus…
A Christmas present brought about the turning point and success (Christoph, Marion and Marvin Vortkamp) But first things first! The SG Vortkamp travels in the RV Grenzland Ahaus, 46 members, in the RegV408, 260 members! Christioph Vortkamp is 54 years old and works in shifts as a carpenter in a joinery; since 2010…
KLAUS pigeon post 2023…
Dear sports friends, the Klaus team can look back with pride on the year 2022. Many sports friends who are our customers were able to successfully complete the racing season with their pigeons. The highlight of the season is certainly winning the German association championship by the team Hermann, Philipp and Jan…
Product of the Week: Muscle Forte KLAUS – longer fly fast…
Muscle Forte is a product for muscle regeneration of carrier pigeons to and preparation before training and price flights. Through its unique high-dose active ingredient complex is muscle Forte with its performance enhancing effect ideal for gentle massage at the claimed wing and abdominal muscles successful pigeons. The important nutrients to the muscles,…
KLAUS Gritstein – Often copied, never errreicht…
Klaus grit stone is ideal for good mineral supply. Here, the relationship between dietary calcium and magnesium right. It contains in addition to 28% calcium, 1.7% phosphorus, 1.5% magnesium, 1% sodium physiologically significant amounts: potassium, iodine, cobalt, fluorine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium i.a. Composition / Ingredients: content…
Disinfection: – necessary or overrated?
One often hears of disinfection with probiotics, what is it? The surface wetting with probiotic bacteria is good and useful. These bacteria operate every half hour cell division, for this you need a lot of moisture and removing him from their environment. Pathogens, so the "bad" if you will, need for their existence precisely those…
Product of the week – PICORIN® by Klaus…
Energizers, supplementary feed… Picorin besteht aus hochwertigen Rohstoffen, die eine sehr große Anzahl von nativen Spurenelementen, Wirkstoffen und Aminosäurenenthalten. Picorin steht für bessere natürliche Immunkraft,gleichmäßigeres Wachstum,verbesserte Ausschöpfung des genetisch vorgegebenen Wachstumspotentiales beieiner ausgewogenen Ernährung,verbesserte Futterverwertung,eine Aufzucht, die nach dem abgeschlossenen Wachstum, also als Reisetaube, wenigstens im 1. und 2. Jahr…
About occurrence and significance of magnetic sediments in bird-grit & pigeon grit – Article by Peter Klaus…
Some time ago I received the urgent request of a bird friend regarding pathogenic contaminants in bird grit. The requesting bird owners had examined his grit with a magnet and frightens found that different to the magnet gray particles got stuck. The internet actually numerous reports of such attempts can be found. A whole…
MINERALS feed, but how?
No life without minerals… Natural minerals are essential for the well-being and health of our pigeons; by the recording and balance of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements in organic available form the symbiosis of the intestine is maintained, which regulates the acid-base balance and thus strengthens the immune system of the pigeon. an intact…
Patrick Winter and Bert Heidemann – the One-Loft Raceteam…
Patrick Winter (39) and Bert Heidemann (55) from Bünde have been part of an OLR team since 2019. Both are well-known breeders, Patrick in the field of pedigree pigeons and Bert in the field of carrier pigeons (SG Willi and Bert Heidemann) as well as in the magnificent finches, including multiple European and German champions. Patrick Winter has plans…