Tag archives: Pigeonvetcenter
Always up to date – ornithosis complex – Peter Boskamp…
Ornithose-Komplex Erkrankungen der Atemwege formen zusammen mit dem Adeno-Coli-Koplex während der Flugsaison die größte Bedrohung für die Gesundheit von Tauben.Ein heftiger Ausbruch des Ornithose-Koplexes kann innerhalb kurzer Zeit alle Illusionen zerstören. Bei Erkrankungen der Atemwege kann zwischen verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern und Auslösern der Beschwerden unterschieden werden. In der Theorie ist…
In August 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
The moult The moult is in my opinion one of the most important times of the year. For many growers, it is the time to turn away from the pigeons and to allow more time for family and other matters take that deserve due attention. A well-deserved vacation, for example. The…
In July 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Jungtaubenkrankheit – just currently playing The term Young Bird Sickness has emerged over time. Previously there was talk of Adenocoli. But the content of the problem was the concept Adenocoli or simply Coli not quite fair. Originally it was to treat the symptoms vomiting and diarrhea, the young birds…
In June 2016 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...
Impfen, Injizieren und Spritzen zur Behandlung von Krankheiten Letzte Woche war ich vor Ort bei einer Taubenvereinigung, um Tauben zu untersuchen. Ein Mitglied erzählte mir, dass er seine Tauben bei einem Taubentierarzt hat untersuchen lassen. Dieser hatte ihm gesagt, dass seine Tauben durch das Herpes-Virus infiziert waren und…
The cause of this disease is completely Streptococcus gallolyticus. In Belgium, the disease is also known under the name of the muscle or wing disease. Now and then a pigeon fancier observed a dove that can badly or not fly anymore. Often we think of course of an infection with paratyphoid…
In may 2016 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...
The Ornithosekomplex Psittacosis is the name for an infection caused. By Chlamydiae in pigeons This infection is often detected in its purest form in the autumn as the 'one eye cold'. One or a few pigeons on the beat can then have a one-sided inflammation of the eye. In…
Part 2 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp... APRIL 2016
"The Pestkop bacterium - (Bully)" (Part 2) With a good microscope and a camera every vet should be able to determine the existence of Pestkop bacterium. If in doubt, a bacteriological examination can be performed. I sometimes hear from breeders, let their veterinarian to examine droppings only, that is…
APRIL 2016 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...
"The Pestkop bacterium - (Bully)" (I) I have in my newsletters often predicted that pigeons can carry a lot of potential pathogenic bacteria in itself, without this causing fortunately same diseases. Whether and to what extent cause problems these pathogens depends on several factors. We read in the…
March 2016 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...
Vitamins and minerals (1) When I was a 17-year-old began studying veterinary medicine in Utrecht was already pointed out that vitamins play an important role in cell metabolism. But it was spoken rather superficial about the risk of bottlenecks. It was widely believed that deficits in this period no longer…
In February 2016 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…
Endurance and muscle recovery than ten years ago I gave for the first time attention of omega fatty acids. It was still relatively new, the specific fatty acids from this group, especially derivatives of the omega 3 group play an important role in brain development. Meant…