Tag archives: Pigeonvetcenter
In June 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Disease control, we talk of disease control we mean the medikamnentöse Beahndlung of animals who are seriously ill. When I was recently at breeders Unetersuchung of pigeons on site was a breeder with a pigeon which was traveling half a year. The dove looked at first…
In May 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
In den letzten Wochen besuchten mehrere Liebhaber unsere Klinik und sagten, dass sie der natürlichen Versorgung folgen wollten, jedoch mit den auf den Messen verteilten Katalogen nicht klar kommen. Am Anfang fand ich dies etwas übertrieben , da ich den Eindruck hatte, dass dort alles gut beschrieben wurde. Als…
In March 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Open questions .... (2) Disease Treatment When we talk about disease control, health care and preventive services, we need to understand the treatment of animals that are clinically ill at Krankheitsbekämfung. This is something completely different than the use of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents for the prevention of diseases that are not detected. The latter was for years…
In February 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Wie Sie vielleicht schon gesehen haben, sind wir vom niederländischen Brieftaubenverband (NPO) angesprochen worden, offizieller Sponsor der Nationalen Tage im Jahr 2017 zu werden. Man fragte uns nach unserer Vision zur medizinischen Taubenführung von heute. Vielen Sportsfreunden ist bekannt, dass ich persönlich seit mehr als 30 Jahren ein Förderer…
In January 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
We define disease care with the treatment of animals showing clinical symptoms. In pigeons, this means animals with a thick wing joint or severe shortness of breath. It goes without saying that we treat these animals usually with medications. In many cases, with antibiotics. In some cases, it is necessary…
At the end: The moral of the story – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…
About the natural way of working with pigeons is already much, et al been written by me. Fortunately the realization takes more and more to that we can better stop, pigeons with medication “cramming”, This realization, we should also not turn in's opposite. Drugs can, provided they are with…
In December 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Gesundheit oder Krankheit? Die im letzten Monat am häufigsten gestellte Frage war, ob man eine Kur vor Beginn der Zuchtzeit machen sollte oder nicht. Auch auf der Herbstmesse der NPO in Houten war dies ein Thema. Bevor ich hierzu eine Meinung sage, möchte ich ein anderes Vorgehen wählen.…
In November 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Consultation The recent weeks I personally get a lot of requests, when shall I hold back even weekly consulting. This is because I will not be mentioned on Facebook by name. I work for a few months. However, I hold surgeries from no longer itself. I…
In October 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Newsletter October 2016 paratyphoid In recent years, many topics were discussed at the suggestion of the breeders. Again and again was this requested information, which have been frequently discussed. So we get in the last few weeks regularly questions about paratyphoid. This is always a problem that is not solved…
In September 2016 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...
Trichomoniasis Trichomonas gallinae is the producer of the disease is also known in pigeon breeders as "the yellow button". The disease is caused by a single-celled protozoal parasite of many times greater than a bacterium and sgn. Flagellum has to be able to move. The parasite komt ago in…