
  • TaubenMarkt November 2014

    TaubenMarkt November 2014

    Ladies and gentlemen, dear Kassel visitors, in this issue of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon, the first after the 25th Int. Taubenmarkt entered production and shipping, I want to become an editor of this newspaper, and as an organizer of the Int. Taubenmarkt few words addressed to you. It should not…

  • PREMIUM auction - Kurt & Raf Platteeuw

    PREMIUM AUCTION – Kurt & Raf Platteeuw

    Kurt & Raf Platteeuw, Rumbeke (B) Belgian Champion Cureghem Centre in 2013 and 2012 1st provincial champion KBDB West Flanders 2013. 1st National Champion KBDB middle distance Grote 2012 Over 100 x in the Top 100 National in 2012, 2013, 2014 !!! 1., 2., 3., Provincial AS Dove 2014 here read the full…

  • PREMIUM auction - Etienne Pauwels

    PREMIUM auction - Etienne Pauwels

    Etienne Pauwels einer der Besten in der Provinz Limburg. An der Basis liegen die Tauben von van Loon und aktuell die Geerinckx und die “FREDDIES” von Pros Roosens! Man sagt immer, dass Metzger die besten Taubenzüchter sind. Hier ist sicherlich etwas Wahres dran. Aber nicht nur der Gedanke an

  • Im NOVEMBER 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Balasubramanian

    Im NOVEMBER 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Balasubramanian

      Paratyphoid management In recent years I have regularly discussed the topic of paratyphoid fever. However, this time of year it remains the most important topic for questions. I have discussed the symptoms several times in other articles and newsletters. In this article I would like to limit myself primarily to:…

  • PREMIUM auction - Willy Steenaerts

    PREMIUM AUCTION – Willy Steenaerts

    Willy Steen Aerts of Lummen (BE) dominated West-Limburg with the youngsters! 36 x 1st prize in 2014 in the Belgian Limburg Willy Steen Aerts has been one of the TOP addresses in the pigeon sport. He offers premier services to the distances between 100 and 700 km away. Specifically Willy spares no…

  • PREMIUM auction - used van Gestel

    PREMIUM AUCTION – Used van Gestel

    Herman van Gestel - A "Master Hands" The Gerüder van Gestel play against the majority of the Belgian elite such as Gaston van de Wouwer, Johan de Belser, Engels, Jos Vervoort, Maurice Hasendonckx, Rudi Diels, Andre Roodhooft, Bart van Oeckel, Bart en Jurgen Geerinckx, Van Elsacker-Jepsen, Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Marcel…

  • VANROBAEYS tips: in the moulting season

    VANROBAEYS tips: in the moulting season

    Vanrobaeys Tips: In the moulting season Advertising moulting period is the most important time of the year? The older breeders claimed that the former Mauser time was the most important time in the pigeon year, yet you did not know properly use it. Today we can no longer compare with the post-war period our time. There was…

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