SG FELDOTTO & SONS – repeatedly Anton…

SG Feldotto and Sons –

2017 12 x 1st prize, 2nd prize and 8 x 9 x 3rd prize

field otto all three

The field Otto triumvirate - Father Frank and sons Christian and Martin


For years there have only heard superlatives SG Feldotto from Ahlen. It is for the competition difficult for years, it "deaf sport crazy" with this record family. In Travel 2017, there were now 12 1. Prices documenting the power of the shock.


Again and again, "ANTON"

Let's talk about the family Feldotto as we speak automatically via the „ANTON 269“. "ANTON 269" is the undisputed progenitor of many years successful strike Community. Often pigeons are called exceptional sire. For a few it really is true due to the successful offspring also. Justifiably of "ANTON 269" has earned this predicate.

feldotto anton

„ANTON 269“ – Descendants fly up to and including 2017 87 x 1st prize (Including 10 Regional wins), 75 x 2nd prize and 103 x double digits.


Erfolgreicher Taubensport ist immer geprägt durch erstklassige Tauben, eine funktionierende Schlaganlage, optimales Schlagmanagement und auch oft durch das „quäntchen Glück“. So stellt sich auch die Anfangsgeschichte des „ANTON 269“ dar. „ANTON 269“ hat übrigens seinen Namen seines Züchters Anton Klinkhammer aus Datteln, der seinerzeit ständig unter den besten Schlägen des ehemaligen 9. Bezirks war.

There was "ANTON 269" a late Young from 2004, he was initially not mated. Then came a pure random mating, as the later Feldotto strain females, one female from Heinz Böcker from Lunen, a young pigeon flying both legs broke and "ANTON 269" was joined to a separate blow to recover. But “Anton 269” mated with her. For this pair, 2006 5 children then came the managed within two years, two digits to fly first prices.

A breeding pair was born!

Example, the following exceptional children are to call this tribe couple:

01022-10-1016 W: 58 bankruptcies, 2 x RV best 1st, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th price, etc.

01022-11-299 W: 2013 11 prices with 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize, etc.

01022-12-279. 2014 14/14 prices, 2015 12/10 prices, 2016 prices 13/13 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd price, etc.

01022-13-39: 2014 13/10 prices, 2015 12/10 prices, 2016 prices 14/13 1st, 1st, 2nd, 6th etc. Price

01022-06- 296 W: 56 prices, 1 x 1st prize, the first AS-females RegV with 13/13 prices

01022-13-99 W: 14/14 2016 prices, best female in RV and RegV

01022-08-45:. Father / grandfather of 13 x 1st prize, even 60 prices with 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8, 8, price, etc.

01022-12-220 W: 14/12 2014 prices, best female in RegV 416 2015 12/10 prices, 2016 14/12 prices, son brings two RegV winner against 6200 and 4500 pigeons.

01022-06-32W: mother of 9 x 1st prize flies, even 1st, 2nd, 9th, 9th etc. daughter flies 2 RegV victories over 10,000 and 8,000 pigeons.

But now the "ANTON 269" also brings with other females absolute Top offspring. What this bird has brought in recent years to the first price airmen and two-digit's been phenomenal. In combination with various females expressing its offspring (children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren) through 2017 87 x 1st prize (Including 10 Regional wins), 75 x 2nd prize and 103 double-digit pigeons.

feldotto 99

The daughter of "ANTON 269" 01022-13-99 flew 2,016 14 x 14 x set price and was best female in RegV 416 and in the travel association Ahlen


Also in 2017 have the descendants of “Anton”Dynasty successfully shaped the travel year. It was another outstanding year for the SG Feldotto.
In addition to several top rankings also 19 two-digit pigeons can be made. The following pigeons are particularly to mention here.

13-1635: A grandson of “Anton”, He flies in 2017 14/13 prices, which he narrowly missed the first pigeon in "follow it" the 14.Preis. In RegV he even flies 13/13 prices and is the second best bird in RegV. He flew so far always double digits in four years of traveling.

16-1290W: She is a daughter of “The Racer 1414”; The breeder of the year 2017. They won 14/13 prices with 949 AS-points brought her the title of best female olds in the RV Ahlen. Peak rates up to now: 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 11, 18,.............

16-1225: He is a son of “The Racer 1414” and has already impressed as a yearling. 14.12 Price 858.96 AS-points Its top prizes so far. 1.. 3.. 6.. 9. 11th. etc.

16-1202: Another top-grandson of “Anton” from “Only 51 Hurrican” x “daughter Anton” drawn. He does not fly 2017 11 prices with 909.52 points As of which less than 6 times Top 10. His peak prices read as follows:. .. 2, 2, 3, 3, 7, 7 ......... . etc.

14-174: He is also a grandson of “Anton”, He is a son of top sire “New Anton” He already flew as round 2 x 2nd prize and was Miterringer the 1.RV year-old championship in 2015. In 2017, at the end 14/12 prices on the balance sheet.

The “Anton” fertilized in spite of old age continue without problems. Thank God.

In each breeding pair of the field Otto-breeding shock flows at least 50% Anton blood, usually there are sons and daughters. Sometimes even gone over well son x daughter “Anton” for the journey to mate together. 2016, for example, comes from such Inzuchtverpaarung also the best years of bird RV Ahlen with 12 prizes. In the breeding loft sitting next to children of “Anton”, such as. the top Birds “Superstar 45”, of the “Olympic Budapest 34”, of the “Full House 279” as well as original by Rudi Diels, children in 1272 by Dietmar Höltke, originals by Günter Prange, as well as other top sires “Bonte Stefanie”, “Sander Lady”, “Gusti”-Daughter “Gus”, „The Racer 1414“ – and many other top breeders more. Only the best is good enough for the "Anton 269" and its descendants.


feldotto 45

The "SUPER STAR 45" Son "ANTON 269" was in competition "SUPERSTAR" on the DBA in Dortmund. He flies 60 prices. His children and grandchildren to fly 13 x 1st prize and 9 x 2nd prize


otto field successes 2017

The final layer of the existing breeders career was the participation of the „34“ at the Olympics in Budapest. Also the "34" has its particular history. He was sent from the aviary and thus had to always fly around the corner. Thus, a 1st prize, he was taken away by a blow comrades, or he would have won even five first prizes. the now „Olympic Budapest“ called bird brought the SG then eventually into the international spotlight, as well as the participation of the "45" (the father of "34") in the contest "SUPERSTAR" on the DBA in Dortmund.

Feldotto olympiavogel 34

The "OLYMPIC BUDAPEST" was Olympiad bird in 2015 in Budapest and was the first AS-bird in RegV 416. He flew 4 x 1st prize. Even father and grandfather of 8 x 1st prize.

SG Feldotto & Sons - Travel 2017: 12 x 1st prize in the RV Ahlen. (RegV 416)

23/04/2017 from Fulda 180km 01022-15-372 vs 1,232 pigeons RV Old list

23/04/2017 from Fulda 180km 01022-16-1181 vs 690 pigeons RV-year list

006/05/2017 from Hammelburg 235km 01022-16-1234 vs 1,267 pigeons RV Old list

13/05/2017 from Schweinfurt 254km 01022-13-99W vs 1,279 pigeons RV Old list

13/05/2017 from Schweinfurt 254km 01022-16-1258W vs 702 pigeons RV-year list

21/05/2017 from Höchstadt 308km 01022-15-316W vs 1,193 pigeons RV Old list

27/05/2017 from Altdorf 361km 01022-12-291W vs 1,096 pigeons RV Old list

006/03/2017 from Schweinfurt 254km 01022-15-352 vs 1,051 pigeons RV Old list

18/06/2017 from Plattling 506km 01022-15-300W vs 911 pigeons RV Old list

24/06/2017 from Höchstadt 308km 01022-16-1225 vs 820 pigeons RV Old list

007/02/2017 from Höchstadt 308km 010222-16-1193W vs 374 pigeons RV-year list

008/07/2017 from Hemau 408km 01022-16-1499 vs 336 pigeons RV-year list


Successes in other lofts

The inheritance of power "ANTON DYNASTY" seen as vast with other breeders now at home and abroad. Here are some references:

  • In Holland, a grandson Anton flies 3 x 1st prize against an average of 4,000 pigeons.
  • Hubert Jakob, Ingolstadt draws from a son of “Anton” just a year old bird with 11 prizes and a 1st prize 2017th
  • The team Rottmann in the RV Warendorf flies a great-grandson “Anton” 2 x 2nd prize in the Young flights 2016. A great-granddaughter of “Anton” a regional victory in the final race of the old pigeons 2017. A great-granddaughter of “Anton” 1st prize against 1,624 pigeons on the 2.Preisflug 2017, the young pigeons
  • In RegV 256 in the RV Bramsche flies a year old bird, a grandson “Anton”2017 date 5/5 price with 418.95 Ace points. Including 2 x 1st prize
  • In RegV 253 fly 2 great-grandson of “Anton” each one regional victory, even against 6200 pigeons and once against 4250 pigeons.
  • Theo Scharmann in Beelen grandson "Anton" flying a regional victory against 8200 pigeons, the other 2 x double digits and is now a new breed-AS, as also many already double-digit come from him.
  • In Bremen, a grandson "Anton" best years of bird RV with several top 10 rankings.
  • In Austria, three great-grandson "Anton" fly 2014 2015 12/11/10 prices over the years.
  • When SG Krumtünger (Lippstadt) a grandson "Anton" flying a 1st prize against
    2,349 pigeons in Travel 2016. A granddaughter of the "Anton" a 1st prize 2017
  • The team / Slept Stiens in Oelde a granddaughter of the flies “Olympic Budapest 34” 2017 1st prize against 823 pigeons. Also flying a grandson Anton in 2016 the 1st prize against 903 pigeons.
  • A great-grandson "Anton", from a son of “Superstar 45”Flies in Beelen at Heinz Scharmann 2 x 1st prize.
  • 6 young birds fly at Herbert Guder 6/6 Prices and Full House.
  • Sascha Manske in Oberhausen a breeding dove flies the 1st prize on a young flight. A Original of Feldotto from the “Anton”Dynasty is Miterringer the 1.RV Championship 2017. Another Original of the strike is the third best year in 2016 Bird RV Oberhausen Central with 11 prizes.
  • In Hesse, a great-grandson "Anton" best bird in RegV is.
  • In Schleswig-Holstein, a great-grandson "Anton" RV best pigeon with 12 prices will be.
  • In Bayern win five breeding pigeons 2015, the first RV juvenile championship.
  • In South Africa, a great-grandson car winner for the SG Wagner at SMDPR.
  • In Poland, a year-old bird flies the 1st prize against 2,800 pigeons.
  • In the RV Lengerich one great-grandson flies only tip to the young flights, 2015.
  • In Bavaria, a young bird, pulled out two grandchildren "Anton", best youngster with 6 prices and 520 Ace points.
  • Helmut Kalkmann a grandson of wins “Superstar 45” a 1st prize against 570 pigeons. A grandson "Anton" flying a 1st prize against 370 pigeons and a son of “Superstar 45” a second prize of 280 pigeons!
  • In RegV 412 wins, a great-grandson "Anton", which was drawn from two originals of the strike, a 1st prize against 436 pigeons.
  • In Poland, a great-grandson "Anton" flying a 1st prize against 2,400 pigeons.
  • In the Czech Republic 2016 won a progeny dove 2 originals of the blow air in a group compared with 2000 pigeons.
  • In RegV 408 with Michael Könning a grandson "Anton" flying a 3rd prize against 661 pigeons.

A very impressive track record which justifies the title "MEGAVERERBER"!


Still to mention

The care of the pigeons is done for many years by the method of Dr. Hero Lindemann, All of which are manufactured using natural ingredients. Certainly an indication that the field Otto pigeons remain efficient for many years. Regular veterinary checks are carried Vet Rene Becker carried out.

It is practiced total widowhood. Before basketing the partners come together. This facilitates the capture when basketing.

1 times a week is a private training flight, usually on Wednesday, carried out by about 25 km. The pigeons are released as basket.

Females, showing lesbian tendencies be removed immediately. So you have to build the guarantee over the years a real team in Ahlen here.

Even the youngsters have always "English week", so in addition to the Weekend Flight also a training flight on Wednesday. They are trained as possible.


SG Feldotto

Differdinger Straße 49

59227 Ahlen

0049 2382 65041


pigeon market auction 2017_4

PS: At the auction on October 28, 2017 in Kassel are "EUROPEAN SUPER STARS 2017" a child of the "ANTON 269", a child of the "OLYMPIC BUDAPEST" a child of the "SUPER STAR 45" and a child of the "RACER 1414" in Auction bid.

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