Im NOVEMBER 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Balasubramanian

In July 2014 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp




In recent years, I've regularly discussed the topic of paratyphoid. In this season, however, it remains the most important topic for questions. In other articles and newsletter I talked about many times the symptoms. I will limit myself then especially in this article to manage this complex disease.


Paratyphoid is a disease which is caused by Salmonella typhimurium var. Copenhagen. In the clinic, I hear often comments by growers that they are convinced to have caught the disease when E.g. the neighbour's chickens. This breeder the fact going over that the strain of salmonella which can infect the pigeons is species specific.

Salmonella is a bacteria that can make the immune system of pigeons for major problems. I have these bacteria, along with the Staphylococcus, then already times compared with an assassin. These bacteria can be present during a longer period of time before the problems manifest themselves. The bacterium undermines the Defense organ, until ultimately, problems occur. As I said the bacteria could be then already longer silently present.



Now, in the autumn, most become bacteriological studies of feces to control whether a paratyphoid infection is present. Fall is also the best season to make this. Because the pigeons get no drugs most of the time in this season, swept the infection not under the carpet? The type of antibiotics ensures most of the time that the bacterium temporarily not in feces is detectable. Autumn is also the time of year where the defense of pigeons can come pretty under pressure by the Mauser, but also through the often-moderate weather conditions.

If the bacterium is ever easily detectable, it is probably in this period. Best, feces can be collected by about five days because the bacteria in carrier animals not daily can be found back in feces due to the excretion of the Exchange at the end. We have the investigations after the presence of the bacteria in the Hospital expanded with even more sensitive test. This ensures that we refer more infections than in the past. But even with this better test methods, we can prove the bacterium at the moment only in 10% of the faecal samples sent. One could see this as a high percentage, but remember to also to that the faecal samples which we have offered to the examining mainly come from breeders who himself find your pigeons produce bad feces or somehow are not in order. It is not here so a representative sample.



On the other hand, there are pigeon fanciers, which support the natural defences of the pigeons with E.g. bony SGR. A salmonella in feces of the birds is found only in great exception with this breeder. We may, claim the practice examinations considered taken, carefully that there is ample strokes where excretion in the faeces. But it also clearly shows the oversized part of this strikes here has no problems with. So the question is justified if it is then absolutely necessary in each autumn ' preventive ' to make a cure against paratyphoid. Especially if we bear in mind that about a month after end of a cure for the most shots where carriers sit back cheerfully starts excretion in the faeces. I think also that it is somehow a pointless Exercition. If you think about it that this elimination in practice is reduced to almost zero with breeders who support the defense in addition pay attention, the question shall be entitled whether you can keep better dry the herb until he really gives problems. But old habits can be changed hard. Especially in the pigeon sport.



The authorities are the rule with respect to the use of antibiotics known as the change. In this sense it would be wise in the pigeon sport to reflect on the (often unnecessary) use of preventive Kuerchen of paratyphoid in autumn. If I convince pigeon fanciers of it that it be mostly owls to Athens is, I hear enough after a while by these breeders often that they saw indeed no difference in their breeding services, etc. Well, the power of Customs is usually, though stronger than the healthy mind. The fear for poor breeding results drives many breeders repeatedly to the annual treatment of paratyphoid in autumn. The argument is then that runs the breeding just this so well. If you have a bad breeding this must not always necessarily caused by paratyphoid. There are several bacteria that can play a ursachliche role here, but also viruses. In these cases, it may be that giving an Antibiotikakur can prove its usefulness. Simply because the infection pressure in the width is reduced. Not only the infection pressure of paratyphoid Bazille. But it then, as already mentioned, not reasonable to increase the defense? Pigeons with a good defense can little to no hinder have either this bacterium or another.

Increases the vitality of the pigeons, in support of the defense as a whole, and the good intestinal bacteria are not killed by the antibiotics.

Research, including by a microbiologist from New York, Prof. Martin Blaser, brought to light which definitely disappear after each Antibiotikakur some varieties of good intestinal bacteria from the intestinal flora. On the long, it is so wrong to administer antibiotics regularly. Also shows research that our intestinal flora plays a role in it to full growth increasingly, bring our immune system. In other words provides the intestinal flora that the immune system can grow. The insights continue to increase which often give it antibiotics to young animals which could slow development of the immune system might limit. It could happen so we really harness the horse behind the cart this way. But also here the biggest drag is the practice again. A drag, which delays the acceptance of new transition.



Infected, and then?

So every year, we find some shots where the pigeons are infected with this bacteria. In these cases, it is important to take specific action, so the infection pressure and the secretion at the pigeons as much as possible to a limit. Only medicines is, as said, simply carry owls to Athens. We already saw that the excretion after Merry can start a good month. Nevertheless, is that type of a cure then very important. Sufficiently long and high doses are sufficient.

It must remain there. To do this the blow should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with an effective means. We recommend that Virkon S. The disinfection can be repeated then routinely during some time. Experience through the years that even empty have been for a long time, sometimes again quickly new cases of paratyphoid show blows because of paratyphoid after refilling. The salmonella bacterium simply should not be underestimated. On the other hand, there is no reason to panic. Simply turn on the healthy mind. After a thorough cure which vaccinate birds against this bacterium is also necessary for carriers in the feces. You must again during a longer time on strategic moments over the years. Once vaccinated solves the problem not, little as a unique Kürchen or a unique disinfection of the shock as well.


Increase the defense

It is important to pay attention from now the defense and to delve into the possibilities that now exist in addition to the above measures to the first emergency help during an outbreak. There are several companies who brought supportive supplements on the market for this purpose. And if you want to do bother to literature to read, there are also there enough tips to improve in solid rusted to bring which is the cause of a poor defensive habits of...

When an infection of the body with paratyphoid Bazille, a battle in the intestine is present bacteria emerge with the others in the intestine. A good and healthy intestinal flora will not easily give his position on the newcomers. Also for the intestinal flora is survival of the fittest. Although the opinions on this differ, there are enough voices who say that the support of the intestinal flora with good intestinal bacteria earned a spot in a good management of paratyphoid. This means then that you can deliver on a regular basis of probiotics and Prebiotics.


The salmonella bacterium is an attacker who can provide as it is known on many places in the Dove body problems. Usually he comes through the intestine into the body. There must be a first line of Defense so that works well. A well functioning intestinal flora plays an important role. By now the intestinal flora under pressure to put up with antibiotics in the form of a preventive cure, there not really playing with.

Should focus just reasons, from several to a reinforcement of the intestinal flora. We would need to limit as much as possible antibiotics due to good management, to the cases where it has shown that there is a need to administer these. This means clinical outbreaks and excretion of intestinal bacteria. To have the choice, as pigeon fanciers. There are enough veterinarians are the opinion that quiet a spa can make in the fall. There are good reasons for certain strokes, but on other beats, there are more reasons against. I wanted to show just the other side of this coin.


Best of luck,

Peter Boskamp



The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnen. The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application.We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season.In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail."Regular health checks of the pigeons is the basis for good flight performance"
We offer:

  • Control of your pigeons and veterinärmedizinische support
  • Parasitological examination (including Coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological examination (including salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Viral investigation (including Paramixo, adeno etc.)
  • Goiter smear and Cloaca dash
  • Vaccinations (u.a paratyphoid, smallpox, Paramixo)
  • Mushroom study
  • Blood tests
  • Fertility treatment
  • Operations
  • Autopsien
  • Intake and observation
  • Faecal samples investigation; samples can also be sent to

If you want to consult our clinic for examinations, we recommend prior appointment. Then we can take plenty of time for a perfect accompaniment and respond best to the problems.


For veterinary assistance in the pigeon sport

Basic investigation of pigeon healthToday's pigeon sport developed more and more in the direction of the top sports. We see this in the competitions that are gone in the blink of an eye. Small deviations in the deaf rich therefore already out to strong on the result lists off to rising or even to verschwindenDie classic control of pigeons with a throat swab is made of (and cloacal swab of the youngsters) pigeons has still its Wert.Dies study should however no longer confined to the control on the presence of Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis. Man should certainly check on mucus and/or inflammatory cells. Also, the presence of yeasts in the assessment consider should be taken.A good investigation should be combined with a (full) control of pigeons, with the benötigde attention of heads, but also on the lower Airways should be safe.If significant irritation is perceptible in this specific study, must be acting. In this sense, samples can be taken for bacteriological examination. By means of a culture can be determined which pathogens occur. For this purpose, a little material on a specific medium is attached with an eye (en instrument). Are pathogenic bacteria present then can mitters a so-called Antibiogram be investigated which antibiotics at the been pigeons produce the best result. To do this, the isolated germs (bacteria) used during 24 hours together with specific antibiotics on small slices on a so-called Sensidisc in an incubator. To complete of this test it is then known which means gives the best result. Then, a specific medication can be made then, falss necessary (so-called magistral manufactured medicine).

If the need during the investigation has proven even more control on yeast (Candia albicans) can be made.

We see many youngsters with substantial mucus forming in his throat. Through this targeted drugs to combine with certain medicines against mucus the pigeons can be prepared well before the season on the upcoming competitions.

Precisely, these preventive health care is becoming increasingly important in the pigeon sport. Get it just to leave and wait how the flights go without preventive health checks (by a specialized doctor of the dove) but often enough results in disappointments. And nothing is as annoying as having to take a course during the flights. Prevention is better than cure.


Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 - 09.30 and 18.00 - 19.00
Tuesday: 13.00 - 13.30
Thursday: 09.00 - 09.30 and * 18:00 - 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.


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