Exemplary public relations!

Romanian pigeon Association promotes the pigeon sport in large shopping centre.


Recently, a world premiere in Romania took place. The national Romanian pigeon Association launched a unique project for the promotion of pigeon sport in the large shopping centres of the country.

On the 7th and 8th March 2015 took place the first event of this kind in the Lotus Mall Oradea. Pigeons with good trip results issued on a specially designed presentation stand. The stand was equipped with two large screens on which films about pigeons and pigeon sport were presented. The visitors received information brochures to read everything there is to know about the pigeon sport was running. Also, register his name for a gift of the Association who wanted to, couldn't - two young pigeons.

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The Lotus Center is the largest shopping centre in Oradea, one of the major sites in the Northwest of the country. The March 8 was deliberately chosen, as it also international women's day and the shopping centre with more than 30,000 people extreme was full.

"Everyone who visited the exhibition stand, was surprised by our passion for pigeon sport positive", so tells Marius Tunduc, President of the FNCPR his experiences. "So far, most have had no sufficient information about the pigeon sport and very many were glad to have found a partner, where you can learn how to operate the pigeon sport is with us."

The project was started parallel to another project "Promotion of the pigeon sport in schools", which was launched already in 2014 with great success and will be continued in the year 2015 with support of the Ministry of national education. For this purpose, a film about the pigeon sport was produced on the part of the Association, which will be shown in schools and made available to the schools.

These two projects the Romanian pigeon Association aims, that people learn about the pigeon sport, learn to love the pigeon sport and as part of society accept combined with the hope of finding new pigeon fanciers.

A model project of the Association!


Here you see a short film about the project:

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