pigeon bids deno herbots


In this edition of Pigeon Bids the Herbots team brings a very nice group of 28 original Deno-Herbots birds into auction

In January 2014 we had the total auction of the loft Jos Deno and Filip Herbots. An auction which was more than successful because world-wide a lot of fanciers appreciate the breeding capacities of the Deno-Herbots birds.

Because the Deno-Herbots birds are so successful the Herbots team had a lot of demand for original Deno-Herbots birds. For that reason we searched for the best of the best of the Deno-Herbots base birds and bring them now into auction in a special Pigeon Bids edition.

In this auction several children/grandchildren of all famous Deno-Herbots birds such as national ace  “Gina” – “Venus” (father “Yvan” Herbots Gebroeders) – “Blauwe Bliksem” – “Beckham”, but also the breeding lines of Gaby Vandenabeele birds which were successful at the breeding loft of Deno-Herbots such as “Bliksem” (9 grandchildren) – “Wittenbuik” – “James Bond” and “Rudy”  come into auction.

A never seen treasure of Deno-Herbots birds can be yours tomorrow !

View all 28 pigeons in this sale

We wish you a lot of success

Your Herbots team

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