The supply in the rest period – Winter (December – February) – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

Brockamp head-deaf

Während der Ruhephase im Winter steht die Pflichtimpfung gegen Paramyxovirose an. Meist wird auch gegen Pocken und immer öfter auch gegen Paratyphus geimpft. Die Impfprozedur an sich stellt eine erhebliche Belastung für das Immunsystem der Taube dar. Daher sollten die Tauben zum Impfzeitpunkt immer in einer hervorragenden körperlichen Verfassung sein. Die Kombination von Probac 1000 zusammen mit Oregano Oel eignet sich bestens, dem Organismus der Taube die Impfreaktion zu erleichtern und die angegriffene Darmflora schnell zu regenerieren.

Recommended in late January / early February is a 10-day treatment with the fresh garlic / onion / carrot / beetroot mix. Include these with Probac 1000 as well as some Green Healing Earth or Phyto, and to submit willow bark or Blutreinigungstee. You will be amazed how strongly committed the down moult. Failing which enter once 4-5 days fresh baker's yeast in the diet (about 25 grams in a little lukewarm water solved for 100 pigeons).

Care plan for the winter (resting phase)

1 kg Winter mixture with 5 ml of oregano oil + 5 g Probac 1000 dried with 5 g Green healing earth or Phyto
Potions: Blutreinigungstee approximately 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of boiling water

Winter mix with fresh garlic, onion, carrot, beetroot mix, dried with 5 g Probac 1000 and Probac Green Healing Earth or Phyto
Potions: alternately on 2 l of water or 5 ml 1 ml aerosol Usnea barbata on 1 l of water

Winter blend without additives
Potions: alternately on 2 l of water or 5 ml 1 ml aerosol Usnea barbata on 1 l of water

1 kg Winter mix with peat concentrate + 5 ml Active iron + Probac Green Healing Earth
Potions: 2 ml Flash (JOD) per 2 l of water

Winter blend without additives
Potions: clear water

Winter blend without additives
Potions: clear water

1 kg Winter mixture with 5 ml of oregano oil + 5 g Probac 1000 dried with 5 g Green healing earth or Phyto
Potions: Blutreinigungstee (Fa. Backs) about 1 tablespoon of boiling water to 2 liters

A tip to vaccines

Thus, the pigeons of vaccination are back in top condition, a 7 to 10 day treatment with ParaStop or Baytril can be carried out beforehand. However, these treatments have the unfortunate side effect of destroying the healthy intestinal flora.
should always be above 5 until 7 days Probac oregano oil are administered concomitantly with Probac 1000 over the feed following the vaccination in order to facilitate the pigeons vaccine reaction and regenerate the intestinal flora attacked quickly.

brockamp dba 2015

Dr. Hans - Peter Brockamp
IPC sports products

Phone: 49 2651 701 360
Fax: 49 2651 701 361

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