Leon Dautzenberg from Kerkrade (NL) - a passion for racing pigeons…

Dautzenberg with Hooymans 2016

Leon Dautzenberg (right) with Jan Hooymans


How it started

In seiner frühesten Jugend verbrachte Leon sehr viel Zeit bei seinen Grosseltern in dem Vorort Vink im niederländischen Kerkrade unweit der deutsch-niederländischen Grenze. Er war gerade 8 Jahre alt, als im Garten seines Großvaters eine fahle belgische Taube herumlief und er strengte sich zugleich an, diese zu fangen. Opas Nachbar war Brieftaubenzüchter und klein Leon bekam von ihm ein Weibchen samt Kiste und ab da wohnte die gefangene Taube an der Mauer im Garten. So wurde Leon zum Brieftaubenzüchter. Bald wurde diese Kiste vergrössert und schließlich war es ein umgebauter Baucontainer der als erster richtiger Taubenschlag auf Grossvaters Hof stand. Im Jahr 1987 übernahm Leon das Haus seines Großvaters und begann dort zu leben. Es wurde ein neuer Schlag gebaut mit Voliere gebaut. Im Jahr 2013 wurde diese dann durch eine völlig neue Schlaganlage von 9 Metern und eine Voliere von 7 Metern ersetzt. Vor zwei Jahren ging Leon nach 34 Berufsjahren als Schlosser aufgrund von Rückenprobleme in den vorzeitigen Ruhestand. Dies gibt ihm jetzt mehr Zeit und eine Regelmäßigkeit in der Versorgung der Tauben ist nun möglich. Sofort stellten sich die Erfolge ein.

The new travel impact is divided into four compartments and front compartments is a continuous walkway. Two compartments include the youngsters. Here seat shelves are installed, which in due course can be converted into Nistzellen. A strike is reserved for traveling females. There is only seating. The last compartment is equipped for the journey with birds and Nistzellen.

During the tourist season a wind shield protects the windows against drafts. Over the entire length of the roof there is a small plastic plate on the front of the roof to let in the sun in the stroke. In the aviary from the blows the animals can regularly take a bath.
Dautzenberg impact both

Links of the breeding loft, the right of travel impact

Pigeons finest origin

Leon holds 25 breeding pairs, which have their origin in only excellent lovers.

Ø Philip Baadjou from Eygelshoven, In 2005 and 2008 he received here a son and a daughter of the well-known master bird "Donkere 777". The "Donkere 777″ flew themselves provincials victories from Orleans and Sezanne. He inherited his performance even further, as in the females “Leontine” you can see.

Ø Anton Ruitenberg aus Zwolle. This Ausnahmer Growers has not escaped Leons attention and so the contact was sought in 2013. Since the changed pigeons from the best Heremans-Ceusters doves from the “wondere Dirk” (Koopman), a grandson of the famous “781 "(Vandenabeele) and recently returned from the” 781 “and another three from the” wondere Dirk” on the breeding loft of Leon Dautzenberg.

Ø Jo and Florian Hendriks from Nijswiller. From here young came from the best pigeons as “George”, “King Kong”, Poitiers “,” Limburg Best “,” Small Vigo “,” Popeye ” to Leon to Kerkrade. Jo and Florian are the current national champions NPO on the one day long distance 2016 incidentally.

Ø Jan Hooymans from Kerkdriel.
In 2009, Leon bought on a sale in the Thorn “400”, This is the father of the provincial winner from Limoges “Janine”.Danach Arrived children of “Davinci” x “brother Harry”, “James Bond”, “Harry” x “Kannibaaltje” and from the females “Leontine”Which was repurchased by Jan Hooymans at Leon after three times stood as a yearling on teletext. They each flew the 4 Price from Gien against 4177 pigeons, Gien against 5166 pigeons and from Bourges against 8278 pigeons. “Leontine” was at Hooymans to the world-famous “Harry” and to a “brother Harry” mated.

dautzenberg collage 1
Ø Gaby Vandenabeele from Dentergem. Here Leon took in 2011 four eggs, among other things from the “Stefan” and the “Mr. Bergerac” With. In 2015 these were an inbred product of the “Bliksem” and recently a son from the “Lion King” added.

Ø Gerard Koopman from Emmerveen. In 2015 Leon took a son from the “Golden Capri” – son of “Di Caprio” Leo Heremans. “Golden Capri” comes from D. & L. van Dijck. He is the father of “Kyara” – 2015 Olympics Taube Sportklasse Cat. B in Budapest.

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From these pigeons Leon formed a breeding population of 25 pairs. The best birds are as a stallion with max. four females mated.
The breeders are paired around Christmas. Two weeks earlier, is exposed from 6 to 22 PM. The stallions are mated at the same time with her four female and every two or three hours is changed, the female. At night sit the stallions to a different beat.
The eggs of the breeders and the stallions are moved at the age of about 4 days to the pigeons.


Dautzenberg impact inside

Looking At travel strokes. Links the females, the males right


The system

Leon begins the journey season with 25 to 27 trip pairs on total widowhood. During the season, usually the weaker partner stays at home.

From mid-March Leon begins with training. 10 minutes a day must first rich because here in Kerkrade, the raptors are very active. Gradually, the training is intensified and if necessary the flag is taken. Once the pigeons flying pace is trained daily. From May then twice daily.

At the beginning of the season the pigeons are set slightly darker for several weeks in order to delay the tip-top shape and somewhat later to profit in the season thereof. To this end, the wind safety nets are used on the windows.

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Medical supply

Before the start of the breeding season Leon goes with the pigeons to Dr. Peter Boskamp. It is traded only by its recommendation. During the tourist season, regular state of health of pigeons is checked at Dr. Boskamp. The youngsters more frequently.

After returning from the air race the pigeons are treated regularly. Here Leon changes weekly products, primarily from Belgica de Weerd and Dr. Boskamp – pigeonvetcenter.

On Monday there is beer yeast over the feed moistened with garlic oil and onions. This is where II (plant extract) and Gem Thepax (Supplements) alternating with Gem Srike.

On Tuesday there is a day of apple cider vinegar into the drinking water.

On Wednesday and Thursday Tollyamin Forte.

In this way, Leon pigeon show throughout the year in a good condition and the results indicate that this is a good supply concept.

Dautzenberg leontine

The highlight of 2016

Besides many successful flights of the air race from Limoges was certainly the highlight of the trip 2016. Leon Dautzenberg had basketed 27 pigeons, including 19 females. At a distance of 685 kilometers have been females "Janine" flew the 1st prize Provincial. Leon put an amazing series with 17 prices for: 1-20-23-24-25-27-45-56-57-66-77-100 price, etc. In the 17 winners were 13 females.

dautzenberg janine NL15-1098460


“Janine” is very tame and when we jointly entered the blow she sat, how often, on the light switch the blowing and welcomed us immediately.

your father is “Young Dirk”, Directly from Jan Hooymans. Grandfather is a brother of the famous “Harry” ( “Young Bliksem” – Vandenabeele x "Dirkje" - Koopman). Grandmother is a half sister of “Harry” from “brother Harry” – Vandenabeele / Zoontjens x '' Dirkje ' – Koopman. Her mother is ” bontje 880″ and comes from Jo and Florian Hendriks. Grandfather is the “Bonte Verkerk "of" Gerard and Bas Verkerk (line” Peter Pan “-” Magnum “). Grandmother is the daughter of “Super Boy” Gebr. Scheele x daughter of the famous “666” Henk Melis.

So the best has to offer today what the Dutch pigeon sport.

Leon is also no international unknown more. So he put on the grandstand flight Luzense in Portugal with the "Luzense Ace King 67" 1st International AS pigeon.

dautzenberg luzense ace king

We visited with Leon Dautzenberg in Kerkrade a distinguished Dutch strike which is with top pigeons material, a lot of tact and pigeons mind on the way to becoming a very Grosser. The excellent results are extremely promising.


Leon Dautzenberg

Bern. Pothaststr. 20

6464 HC Kerkrade (NL)

Tel.: 0031 0455459688

Mail: ljhdautzenberg@versatel.nl

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