More than 11,000 visitors to the Olympics in Brussels…
From 26 to 29 January 2017 was the Belgian city Brüssel not only the headquarters of the European Union and the NATO headquarters but also for a weekend of Center of the Belgian and international pigeon sport. The Thursday and Friday were the Belgian national award ceremonies reserved, on Friday and Saturday, the event revolved around the 35th pigeon Olympiad which was organized by the KBDB, the Royal Belgian pigeon association, on the artificial hill in the artists' quarter of Brussels. The Mont des Arts is a concentration of museums and other cultural institutions. The idea of the builders: here are art and culture are admired. The right place for the cultural "pigeon sport"!
The National Day of the KBDB
Der belgische Verband versteht es seit jeher seine Sieger zu feiern. In aussergewöhnlicher Lokation, dem Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR), welches als Juwel der belgischen Künstler- und Architekturszene gilt, wurden die belgischen Champions und Nationalsieger ausgiebig von Belgiens Präsident Stefaan van Bockstaele geehrt. Wer meint, wir in Deutschland hätten eine Überflutung von Meisterschaften und Ehrungen, der sollte mal nach Belgien zu den nationalen Siegerehrungen gehen. Hier hat man den Eindruck, dass jeder der am Reisen teilnimmt auch einen nationalen Titel erringt. Es reichte der Donnerstagabend nicht aus, um alle zu ehren und so wurden die nationalen Sieger auch noch am Freitag gefeiert. Selbstverständlich für Belgien auch die Begleitung durch ein beeindruckendes Gala-Dinner und Life-Musik auf gutem Niveau.
The 35th pigeon Olympiad
The pigeon Olympiad, which was held for the fifth time in Belgium, opened in style in the Square Brussels Meeting Centre at Mont des Arts with the visit of His Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium.
The opening of the Olympics by Prince Laurent and the Bureau of the KBDB
Also why were this weekend all Belgian media presence at the Olympics and reported extensively on the Belgian pigeon sport and its social and economic importance. Even a TV channel from Taiwan sent on Saturday all day of the Olympics.
Of course, was also the subject safety most attention is paid. The venue was only 2 km from the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek, all of us unfortunately as Anschlagsort remembered. Every visitor had to undergo at the entrance of an intensive security check immediately.
Large crowds at the entrance. Security was written large.
Especially Saturday was marked by a lot of visitors. Lt. Details of the KBDB visited ca. 11,000 paying visitors the Olympics. Impressing the number of FCI delegate is present from at least 31, the FCI affiliated nations that about with 1000 "functionaries" hard to miss were. Part of it had to do an important task, after all, with the election of the future president FCI. So to report that the Hungarian Istvan Bardos the new president was elected FCI and José Tereso detaches. Bardos won the election against the Belgian Stefaan van Bockstaele with 21 votes to 9.
The Hungarian Istvan Bardos was elected FCI President.
70 companies courted the favor of customers
That the international pigeon sport remains a significant economic factor is was also clear to the Olympics. Almost all well-known companies were present despite the very high fees for booths with booths. Large stores they could here certainly do not reflect but also often included the Olympic idea "Being there is everything" and of course it also helped to fund the numbered 550,000 Euro event costs.
German transport technology is in demand worldwide, even on the Olympics.
honored Athletic Performance
Both on FCI and at Olympic level was there to honor the achievements of pigeon breeders and appropriate in Brussels. The International Association FCI has set itself the task of a FCI World Championships auszuloben. These are based on results in the world taking place grandstand flights which have the certificate of the FCI.
German breeders have excelled particularly positive in the season 2016th So can e.g. Karl-Heinz Wichert, Günter Götz and the team Steffl-Siebert call in various categories FCI World Champion. This also shows that the German pigeon sport is internationally capable of extraordinary achievements.
German breeders successfully on the FCI grandstand flights.
This not only on the grandstand flights. Even cutting off at the Olympics in the categories Sport and standard is absolutely worth seeing.
The German standard team wins overall in the silver medal behind the winner Slovakia. Bronze Get the Sportfreunde Czech. Gerhard Eating from Gommersheim provides the Olympic standard male, The SG sheep Meyer and John from Dortmund, the Olympic champion followed by Heinz-Richard Mennen in second place among young females. Also second place among young males, the SG Katja and Wilhelm Wenning. Congratulations to the breeders, but also to the selective German Judges Panel.
In the sport classes the eastern Sportfreunde dominated especially from Poland. This is, moreover, to the close olympics sporting conditions of these countries. Let's look at the travel plans as Polish breeders. Distances are fully tuned to Olympics conditions. Thus, the interested breeders offers a wider choice of the required rates and points.
Particularly noteworthy is the German Sports Team Community impact H. + F.-J. Rump with three participating Olympiad pigeons and the reigning German champions Association Hans Lekscha with his two females 408 and 445, both of which were placed in their respective categories in the top ten. Also presented the impact Community Roland u. Denis Faber two Olympics pigeons.
to all Olympians in the category Sports big the warmest congratulations and Again Respect for the achievements gained their pigeons.
The German President Richard Gross is pleased with the good performance of the German pigeon.
Incidentally, it should be noted that the German federation has the host Belgium made 700 exhibition cages for standard and racing pigeons available. The Olympic idea works well here in the neighborhood support organizations.
In this sense, we look forward to the upcoming pigeon Olympiad in 2019 in Poland.