MALLORCA DERBY 2017 – 500 pigeons for Derby already…

Currently 500 pigeons for Mallorca Derby have already been logged 2017th We are confident to achieve a pleasing number of participants again. To the deadlines in April (24.4.) And May (. 5.8. And 22.05) is still enough time to register for the pigeons Derby flight.

After the adaptation period start the six training flights on 04/08. and end at 08:09 .. They are all started from the island. To the training flights, three flights price close to, each started from the open sea. On 07.October it is then (of which 200 km above water) come to the final race of 250 km.

We hope that once again many participants and friends of the race the arrival of the pigeons on the finca in Inca-Senselles will witness live. Many rooms at Hotel breeders are already available.

For questions about Mallorca Derby you are happy Michael Schulz (0175 207 979 3) and Martin Tamsel (0163 889 346 1) are available.

Welcome to MALLORCA DERBY 2017…

the Tribune flight on the sunny island of Mallorca.

Only 2 hours away from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands will also 2017, the attractive race instead.

We invite you to the Finca Bernardo to experience with their pigeons and like-minded pigeon fanciers a grandstand flight of superlatives.

Here you find all information:

mallorca flyer1 mallorca flyer2

Start – and transport money

That Entry fee (125, - € per pigeon) is to be paid within 14 days after delivery of the pigeons. In addition, 25, - € per pigeon for transport to be paid upon delivery of the pigeon.

In one application of 5 Doves (in a team or under a name) the entry fee is payable only for 4 pigeons. The 5th pigeon is automatically eligible to win.


After delivering the pigeons this shall become the property of the Promoter. Therefore, with the dove also the Ringkarte and that ancestry to pass each pigeon.


There are in addition to the final flight also carried out three further price flights. The launch of the three price flights and the Endfluges done each from the sea. The pigeons are prepared for up to 6 Vorflüge the price flights and the final race. The final race is to be accompanied and controlled by the Spanish Federation.

prizes & auction proceeds

In addition to the prize money, the sender (50%) of 50% of auction proceeds for the activated from him pigeons minus the proportionate costs for the return and the auction. There are mainly auctioned the pigeons that have won a prize. The prize money will be paid after the final race on their account.

Prize money and profits

Starting from 700 activated pigeons following prize money and profits were distributed:

I. In the first three price flights before the final race: Earnings per pigeon
1. Flights: 1st to 5th Taube 125 € *
2. Flights: 1st to 5th Taube 125 € *
3. Flights: 1st to 5th Taube 125 € *
II On the final flight.:
1. dove trophy & 10.000 €
2. dove trophy & 6.500 €
3. dove trophy & 4.000 €
4. dove trophy & 2.000 €
5. dove trophy & 1.000 €
06. – 10. dove each trophy & 500 €
11. – 20. dove It is € 250
21. – 30 dove It is € 150
31. – 70. dove 125 € *
III. As – Pigeons rating for all flights
1. As – Pigeon 1.000 €
2. As – Pigeon 500 €
3. As – Pigeon 350 €
IV. Ladies – Cup on all flights
1. As – Pigeon 1 Watch & 200 €
2. As – Pigeon 1 Watch & 175 €
3. As – Pigeon 1 Watch & 125 € *

*) Or a voucher for the entry fee for a dove for Mallorca Derby next year

Profits are eligible only activated pigeons!

Postal application

Feel free to send your registration to one of our central collection points. Please use our Registration form it and send it to one of the following addresses:

Martin Tamsel

Selmer Str. 95

59368 Werne

Tel.: 0163 889 346 1


Michael Schulz

Brachtstr. 1-3

59368 Werne

Tel.: 0175 207 979 3

Click here to continue to Registration


The pigeons will be issued by Logistics or in person at the collection below.

The delivery can take place on three separate dates

  1. Deadline: Mon, 24/04/2017
  2. Deadline: Mon, 08/05/2017
  3. Deadline. Mon, 05/22/2017

All deliveries must be coordinated with the respective contact person.

!IMPORTANT! When giving not Ringkarte and that ancestry to forget.

Then your pigeons are accompanied by Mallorca personally

Central collection

Michael Schulz

Brachtstr. 1-3

59368 Werne

Tel.: 0175 207 979 3

Delivery locations Germany

Jaak Purge

Südendstr. 13

76709 Kronau

Tel.: 07253 33 970

Tino Bergemann

Motzener Str. 13a

15749 Mittenwalde

Tel.: 0173 855 35 86

Dr. M. Buxton

Langestr. 75

37697 Lauenförde

Tel.: 0172 561 83 95

Feed Marktmuhle Gladen

Alois gladen

Bahnhofstr. 42

46286 Dorsten-Lembeck

Tel.: 02369 71 12

Destination of Netherlands

Arie Heezen

Sweelincklaan 115

6815 Arnheim

Tel.: 0031 651

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