Tip of the Week of BEYERS: the youngsters are now at the start…
The Alttaubensaison comes to an end … Now the youngsters come to the start.
With BEYERS should not be a problem!
Good grew up with Olympia 48, 49 or Galaxy breeding. times bring to fly now. if lust & Momentum are there may not be a problem. As? Dilute your breed mix with diet special D23, Enzymix Relax or Elite Enzymix Recup. 50/50 for a week every night. Bet the draw you start! Why? Evening Because the boys must still be adequately served with proteins (proteins = amino acid)!
It is the most important factor to healthy & get educated Atleten. When the boys are only once on momentum, you can use your game mix of your choice. Only slowly change, then to win with Premium Vandenabeele, Sport Light Galaxy, Wal Zoontjens base yellow, Prange Grand Prix or drying Trai Travel Light N ° 33rd All flight systems you can request or visit our website.