BEYERS Condition & Care – TOP products for travel…

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the Condition & consists Care range to complement the BEYERS mixtures

of a high quality range of food supplements, vitamin and mineral mixtures.

BEYERS Plus Condition & Care products were for the new needs in the modern

designed pigeon racing. The loads are becoming more intense, the deaf to

greater distances and used more often and thus have shorter breaks.

to respond quickly and appropriately to these conditions is important in all seasons.


electrolyte Plus


Electrolytes promote the recovery of the pigeon after a flight. By the dross in the body

removes and replaces the spent salts and minerals, Electrolyt ensures Plus that is

recover the pigeons faster. Electrolyte Plus is administered on returning home for a flight ticket

and is particularly recommended at high temperatures.


  • 5 g in 2 l water
  • On the day of homecoming and possibly the day after
  • Do not mix with the food!


Recovery Plus


Recovery plus is to a protein supplement that helps your pigeons, quickly after a flight

recover. The special thing about recovery plus is that it contains Guanidine-acetic acid, the the

Regeneration of the muscles that are affected by the flight accelerated. also

Recovery Plus contains a wide range of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E) and

Minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium), so that your pigeons for the next

Flight can quickly come in shape. In order to help the immune system

Recovery Plus Moreover, an extract of green tea. During the breeding season may

Recovery Plus are needed to meet the high protein requirements fütternder pigeons and

to cover adolescent boys.


  • 20 g (1 tablespoon) to 1 kg of feed
  • During the breeding: 1 x per week
  • During the racing season: 1 x per week (for his return)

Mineral Plus


In times of severe stress, such as during breeding or after a vaccination or medical

Treatment can occur when the pigeons mineral deficiencies. Mineral Plus is the perfect preparation

to supply your pigeons with these minerals. Mineral Plus can both through drinking water

be administered as well as via the feed.


  • 5 ml to 2 l of drinking water or 1 kg of feed
  • 2 to 3 days per week



Chromix is ​​a unique preparation for pigeons, have to deliver top performances.

It supports the metabolism and improves the condition of the pigeons. Chromix contains MSM,

Copper, zinc and vitamin B12. Furthermore Chromix contains trace elements in chelated form,

resulting in optimal absorption of nutrients from the feed.


  • 10 ml to 1 liter of drinking water
  • 1 x per week during the breeding and the racing season

Gluco Sport


A sports drink like no other for your pigeons. The male quick sugar in the form

maltodextrin and dextrose on the day before basketing provides an energy boost.

The vitamins (A, D3, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E and folic acid) can increase the shape curve.


  • 20 g to 1 liter water
  • 1 to 2 days before basketing
  • Do not mix with the food!

energy oil


This cold pressed oil from soy, corn germs, peanuts, safflower seeds and wheat germ

gives your pigeons extra energy for the flights in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. For a

mix optimal results twice a week in the second half of the week under the lining.

Also excellent for building a silky plumage during moulting

to support.


  • 15 ml to 1 kg of feed
  • 1 to 2 times a week during the tourist season and the moult
  • Don't give into the drinking water.

Condition More


Condition plus a unique condition powder, which is your pigeons you throughout the year

can keep in prime condition. Condition plus contains all your doves have needed,

the heavy loads during the breeding and easily manage travel and Mausersaison

to. Condition Plus has a fat content of not less than 20% and contains lecithin and

L-carnitine, so that these fats can also be completely implemented. also contains

Condition Plus a wide range of vitamins and amino acids. The immune system of pigeons

to support, also yeast cell walls and oregano were added.


  • 20 g (1 tablespoon) to 1 kg of feed
  • During the breeding: 1 x per week
  • During the moulting: 1 x per week
  • During the racing season: 2 x per week

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