MALLORCA DERBY2018 - First transport of Derby pigeons completed ...

mallorca 2018

With the first transport, the first Derby pigeons have now arrived on the impact plant in Inca Senselles.

More than 250 pigeons were brought by air transport from Amsterdam to Mallorca and taken there by Bernardo in reception. You can now get to know the impact investment in peace and settle down.

mallorca 2018 transport

We would like to point out again that the entry fee to Spain should be transferred:

Empfänger: Club Colombófilo Derby Mallorca

IBAN: ES93 0049 0993 2821 9065 2233


Bank: Banco Santander Central Hispano

The transportation money is to be paid upon delivery of the pigeons.

Upon receipt of the entry fee all activated pigeons are highlighted in color and are on the Spanish website and on our German website read.

On Monday, May 14, the second deadline is coming up. The third deadline will follow on Monday, May 28.

We have already achieved an impressive number of participants. Last availability are available.

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For their trust, we would like to thank all participants.

Team Mallorca Derby

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