BEYERS informed – Kronstücke Bourges…

Dear Sport friends

last weekend of the classics of Belgian pigeon sport took place in Belgium with one of the “Kronstücke” from BOURGES I Early & Year-old pigeons instead.
Several BEYERS Customers have achieved excellent results at the highest level.
For years, these winners of the classic BOURGES are also happy & satisfied BEYERS Customer.

Two National winners we have already there:

Family 3 D – Ghlin

3d family
1e national Bourges I against 20,282 old pigeons on 26/05/2018
2e National Bourges I against 19,129 year-old pigeons on 26/05/2018

This Galaxy 100% BEYERS mixtures & BEYERS Growth-Energy-Moulting mix



Kevin Saudoyez – Tertre

1e national Bourges I against 19,129 year-old pigeons on 05/26/2018
with BEYERS Elite Enzymix Modern system mixtures.

Similar success results can also reach us from the Netherlands and Germany.

We wish all breeders every success for the next flights.
For Belgium: National Chateauroux and Limoges.

Your team Beyers

wille crazy

ludo Wille


they learn more about the success of the company mixtures. BEYERS here…(click)

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