Since childhood it had Elias caught, he was crazy about pigeons and is not an integral part of the percussion community today. Since he was 7 years old, he is member of the association and spent the most time in the dovecote. In the second son Jannis (11 years), this is something different, he prefers to play football and trained in his daily workouts doves. The secret Trainer is so Jannis.
Shock and stock size
Der Schlag von Marco und Elias ist nicht gerade der größte, aber einer, der ganz toll funktioniert. Mit seinen gerade einmal 6,30 m x 2,80 m Tiefe, gehört er doch zu den kleineren in der Umgebung. Zu diesem Schlag ist man eher zufällig gekommen. Als die beiden Kinder da waren, wollte Marco gerne mehr Zeit zu Hause verbringen und entschied sich, den Schlag beim Züchterkollegen Dersch abzubauen. Gesagt getan, dass die Lüftung bereits in der Vergangenheit sehr gut gewesen ist, war allen klar. Aber, dass der Schlag so gut funktioniert, konnte beim Aufbau keiner ahnen. Die sehr stark reisenden Weibchen besitzen in diesem Schlag ein Abteil von 1,20 m x 1,80 m. Mit 25 Paaren wird die Saison eingeläutet, 70 Jungtiere und ca. 20 Zuchtpaare runden das Ganze ab. Die Zuchttauben sind weiterhin bei Marcos Onkel untergebracht. Dieser kümmert sich auch während der Urlaubszeit liebevoll um die Tauben der SG Waßmuth und ist somit ein Teil der gut organisierten SG.
Für die Zukunft sind allerdings doch einige Änderungen am Schlag geplant. Gewünscht ist ein separater Jungtierschlag, damit die Jungen getrennt und verdunkelt werden können. Weiterhin wünscht man sich einen Zuchtschlag, um auch diese Tauben direkt am Haus unterbringen zu können. Wir werden die Weiterentwicklung abwarten und hoffentlich weiter berichten können.
Travel system
Gereist wird in Rosenthal nach der totalen Witwerschaft, alle Tauben kommen zum Einsatz. Dies kann man bis zum Endflug wörtlich nehmen. Bestes Beispiel ist hier die Zahl der eingesetzten Tauben. Beim ersten Flug waren es 47 Tauben und beim 12. Flug noch 36 Tauben! Beim Endflug Wien wurden allerdings einige hoffnungsvolle jährige Tauben geschont, um im Jahr 2018 voll im Saft stehen zu können. Vor Beginn der Reisesaison werden die Alttauben 2–3 Mal privat antrainiert. Auf Trainingsflüge während der Woche wird nur in Einzelfällen zurückgegriffen (bei schweren Flügen). Sollte ein schwerer Flug stattgefunden haben und die Zeit lässt es zu, wird ein kleiner Motivationsflug von zirka 10 km eingelegt.
has proven particularly the so-called Family Day at the stroke Waßmuth. Once a week both sexes are trained together in the morning at the house. Then the couple can spend together until noon and take a common bathroom. When Elias has finished school, he takes care of the separation of the pigeons. One more example of a true young people in pigeon racing.
By doing the same-sex attractions of the females are strongly inhibited. Hens, which nevertheless continue to show these inclinations are selected.
The young animal travel is started with about 50 youngsters. These are played by the boards without blackout and gender segregation. For the boys, special emphasis is placed on natural selection. Original sound of the breeder: "We provide our pigeons every day with the best food, fresh water, fresh grit, minerals and all sorts of helpful add shares. A lack of basic health care is often not recognized at such a supply. In the wild this would be different, would weaklings selected by predators, and only the strongest and most vital animals survive that one must never forget and therefore applies: eyes "
impact leadership
During the traveling season the pigeons are offered a mix of rice diets from different manufacturers. At the end of the season or before flights of over 300 km, these are supplemented by Non Stop, red and yellow Cribbsmais. Even the admixture of hemp seeds and is used here.
365 days a year is Avidress plus in the drinking water, it contains short-chain acids which lower the pH of the drinking water to the extent that the risk of infection is reduced. It also contains minerals, trace elements, oregano and cinnamon.
In supply in the trip is mainly on 6 days a week Carni-speed used, the main component of Carni-speed is L-carnitine. This vitamin-like substance plays a central role in fat metabolism of pigeons. With a dosage of 10 ml / liter of drinking water the pigeons get the amount of L-carnitine deemed scientifically meaningful. In addition, the magnesium and selenium in muscle function contained serve. The pigeons show a significantly higher training joy.
The day before the onset additionally is Rotosal in drinking water. Rotosal is a liquid supplement feed on the basis of organic phosphorus Butafosfan and oligosaccharides for the rapid equalization of phosphoric and energy deficits before and after distance flights, and in general loads such as after treatments, moulting or breeding.
On arrival there from the 2nd potions UsneGano for 2 days in the drinking water, two days before the onset is the pigeons Flash form administered. Via the feed is administered in Rosenthal especially following products: Avymicin, herbal mix, Immunbooster, Protein 3000 as well as RO 200 ready.
It can be seen that are used in the home Waßmuth a number of Rhoen Fried products. By the way ... when separating the sexes get all the pigeons AvisanaNasentropfen.
If you just got an overachiever like the hen 08467-13-187 has, success is unstoppable. The "187" flies 995.85 As-points with 13/13 prices. At the federal level, it is the 9th Federal Ace hen with 476.39 points As-!!!! Furthermore, it is the second best Altweibchen of the state of Hesse in the year 2017th
The "187" comes from a bird by Josef Hauke, the 06631-09-172 (line Jacky / Senna / Gebr. Herbots). Mother is the 08467-12-2281, this comes out of the RV best bird "138", whose grandfather was able to win already 12 first bankruptcies.
In addition to the Topzuchtvogel 09-172 (Hauke) is the 08467-04-636 (Gebr. Schroll, Joop Koch, Bellens Erwin Köster) to be mentioned in connection with doves (Soontjes) of Eckhardt and Thorsten Schröter brought rows Good.
The pigeons, who won the 10th Federation Cup in 2017, will - in addition to the above - on the lines Dirk de Beer, Klaus Stieneker, SG Fuchs & Wolf and the SG FASSELT / Risthaus back. In addition, an original from August Wouters was still involved.
Last year (a good friend) has been strengthened enormously with Harald Below. Due to the total selling some hopeful breeders could be purchased here. How it goes with the story about the impact Community Waßmuth, we will experience in the coming years. In any case, continue to count on the young breeders at a high level.