Derby Mallorca – First prize flight could finally be started…

mallorca 2018

Finally, on Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, the first prize flight of the Derby pigeons could be carried out from a distance of 90 km. The release took place on the open sea. The derby pigeons mastered this task with flying colors.

mall schiff

At 9:45 a.m. the box doors on the ship opened and the 716 pigeons set off for Mallorca. At 10:47 a.m. the first pigeons reached the loft in Inca-Senselles and were picked up by Media.

Around 600 pigeons were registered in around 15 minutes. With the first prize flight we can now also congratulate the first winners.

  1. €115.00 * At least DV00494-18-0041
  2. 115,00 € * Erhard Nutt DV06374-18-0144
  3. 115,00 € * Renate Dörmann DV08555-18-2154
  4. 115,00 € * Deichgrafen 2018 DV07277-18-0090
  5. 115,00 € * Hotel Adelmann DV06838-18-0117

mall arrival

Congratulations to the winners.

Here you will find the complete list Arrival…(click)


The second prize flight is scheduled for September 24, 2018.


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