What unplanned events there this year? How did you handle it?
"Unfortunately did not go The last flight to 600 km after" Plan "- precisely the one which I still needed to make the season perfect. A place in the top 10 German Association masters would have been possible. It probably should not be this year.
View of the widower blow by Robert Maass
I am pleased nevertheless about the results and rankings that I could reach with my pigeons and look positively to the future. "
Which pigeons are currently your service provider and from what family you come from?
"Cecile" (DV W 09024-16-9) OLYMPIADE DOVE 2019
- Female acebird the association with 5 prizes and 449.89 Aspkt.
- Female acebird the Association regional association in 2018
- As females Saxony in 2018 (10 $ - 947.16 Aspunkte)
- Best female FG 2018 (12 Prices - 1091.83 Aspunkte)
- Best female RV 2018 (12 Prices - 1069.70 Aspunkte)
- Greatest One Year Old females in Saxony in 2017 (10 $ - 826.38 Aspunkte)
- Greatest One Year Old females FG 2017 (10 $ - 755.90 Aspunkte)
- Greatest One Year Old females RV 2017 (11 Prices - 825.55 Aspunkte)
"Cecile" carries the blood of Steveninck- Geerinckx- and Ebben pigeons in itself. It is purely a crossing dove, like almost all of my pigeons.
Satisfied look into the future: Robert Maass before his trip shock
„Victoria“ (DV 09024-16-13 W)
- 2. As females Saxony in 2018 (10 $ - 936.40 Aspunkte)
- 3. Best female FG 2018 (11 Prices - 935.25 Aspunkte)
"Victoria" predominantly results in the Prange blood ( "Ring Clear") therein.
"Antonia" (DV 09024-16-25 W)
- 6. As females Saxony in 2018 (10 $ - 851.85 Aspunkte)
- 6. Best female FG 2018 (11 Prices - 869.50 Aspunkte)
"Antonia" is also a hybrid dust from Püttmann Dove (line "Super Dohmen 100") and Borker Dove (line "Ring Clear").
Have adapted to your blow the expected results after you have worked with the company's products Röhnfried?
„Erhoffte Erfolge sind für mich jetzt nicht nur die Erfolge auf dem Reiseschlag. Das Wichtigste im Taubensport sind die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Tauben und da kann und möchte ich auch ganz deutlich sagen, dass die Produkte von Röhnfried erheblich zum Wohlbefinden der Tauben beitragen. Der Rest kommt dann meist von ganz allein. Es gibt aber auch Produkte, die ich wieder aus meinem Programm entfernt habe, wo ich das Gefühl hatte, dass sie nicht zu mir und meinen Tauben passen. Gerade in der Reisesaison möchte ich meinen Tauben auch nicht zu viele Beiprodukte verabreichen. Von daher beschränke ich mich auf die aus meiner Sicht wichtigsten Produkte. Bei den Zucht- und Jungtauben, bzw. im Herbst und Frühjahr, sieht es anders aus, da gebe ich doch schon mal etwas mehr an Beiprodukten. Mir ist es wichtig, dass es den Tauben gut geht und dass sie sich wohlfühlen.“
Which product from the house of Röhnfried you want to do without?
„1. Avidress plus I put the whole year round. Since then I have little difficulty with trichomoniasis or other pathogens.
2. Rotosal is always in the first watering after the air race. The pigeons recover quickly and are also apparent in hard races after a short time in a very good shape.
3.Carni-speed I have used this year for the first time and I am fascinated by the action. After a daily regimen for 14 days, the pigeons showed a tremendous joy flight at the house. The breast meat was scale-free and rosy, the muscles jumped a downright contrary. An excellent product that I will always fight from now. "
What effects could you find after you've used the company's products Röhnfried?
"I do not particularly important that the pigeons to regenerate quickly after a flight back so that I can prepare for the next flight. I have by the administration of Rotosal reached. Also, I have little to do with pathogens with my pigeons. This I run primarily on the almost daily administration of Avidress plus back. Basically, I want to say that my pigeons always make a healthy impression and feel good. Play, inter alia, the products of Röhnfried a crucial role. "
What is your opinion your success justified?
"I have a particular system, after I take care of my pigeons for years. On this system, I hold and try by small but deliberate variations (for example, trying out new products) to further increase performance. But basically applies: The pigeons have to adapt to the system and not vice versa. They can not, they are removed from the blow. In addition, I am constantly looking for pigeons that fit my system and I can still enhance the performance of my portfolio. I try so close to get to the base of my stamp as possible. "
How You are providing your pigeons identifies important flights?
"I make no distinction between flights. Every flight is important and can demand everything of the pigeon. So I prepare my pigeons for each flight before the same. I want them to supply the best possible way to be launched. "
What would you advise growers who do not yet play so successful?
"There are many options. I think it's important that you go with the time that you informed through newspapers or the Internet, which make successful breeders differently. Better yet, when you visit those breeders and can give yourself advice and tips on care and observed the actions of these breeders on the beat and dealing with the pigeons. But is very important that you implement this knowledge and information as well. If you have found for themselves a system, then you should stick to it and play the pigeons then and select. "
What vaccinations and treatments are carried out by you?
"All my pigeons are vaccinated once a year against paratyphoid and paramyxovirosis. If the weather is, this happens at the beginning of the year. my pigeons are Gekurt only if the vet found pathogens in the annual survey in the spring. Then I treat my pigeons after the prescribed treatment plan. I am dissuaded to cures my pigeons blind. "
What would you like to tell our readers?
"Quality, not quantity - this is the motto I live pigeon racing. Often it is better to focus on a manageable population of pigeons and to have fun with these pigeons. "