Product of the week – Bony Previsal…

Bony Previsal

Bony PreviSal consists of mono-, di- and triglycerides Propionic and butyric acid. Research has shown that these contribute glycerides to reduce salmonella infections. Bony PreviSal provides a natural defense against salmonella.

Composition: Mono-, di- and triglycerides of propionic and butyric acid, glycerol.

Analytical components and contents: Rohprotein 0%, 0% crude fiber, crude oils and fats 61%, crude ash 0%, 0% lysine, methionine 0%.

Application and dosage: Can be made available all year round. breeding season; 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or over the feed daily. Young pigeons: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or with the feed daily. Travel season: On the day of arrival and the day after: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or via the feed. On the day of use and the day before: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or via the feed. Moult: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water daily. Noses may turn slightly yellow with use.

Available in: Can be made available all year round. breeding season; 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or over the feed daily. Young pigeons: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or with the feed daily. Travel season: On the day of arrival and the day after: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or via the feed. On the day of use and the day before: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water or via the feed. Moult: 2.5-5 ml per liter of drinking water daily. Noses may turn slightly yellow with use.

they buy products here BONYFARMA…(click)


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