The first step to success – from weaning to training to the first flight…

Young pigeons grow from small nestlings to young pigeons within a short period of time. The young pigeons are often weaned at the age of 22 to 25 days. However, your growth is not yet complete. They still have to develop further into young adult pigeons. This puts a lot of strain on their metabolism. After weaning, a grain mixture with highly usable proteins (= building blocks) is not an exaggerated luxury. One high-quality BEYERS breeding mix Continuing to feed in sufficient quantities for ± 5 to 6 weeks is highly recommended support. In this phase of growth and the long time until the start of the traveling season, you don't need to worry that the food is too fatty.

The first molt of the down is also best accompanied with a mixture rich in fat and protein. Depending on how you have planned your program, the desired condition high and the time of training, the training intensity can be controlled with heavier or lighter food (= more raw fibres). Not feeding less, but adding in extra fiber means giving more carbohydrates and less fats, increasing the desire to train.

As the duration of training flights increases, we gradually add more fats to provide the energy required. Playing with the balance between carbohydrates and fats. For this period (± 5 to 6 weeks to 2 weeks before training) BEYERS has a number of diverse and high-quality mixtures on offer (light, low in protein and with enough carbohydrates), which can be combined with a BEYERS-Zuchtmischung (higher in protein and fat) perfectly balance the ratio of carbohydrates and fats. From 2 weeks before training, we recommend replacing the breeding mix with a traveling mix to make the transition to the racing season easier. Shortly before the start of the travel season you can switch to one of our travel mixes with an appropriate feeding plan.

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