Rapid regeneration by carbohydrates – by Alfred Berger…

A quick regeneration after each race is our first concern in the course of the week. For this, science has shown us some good indications of the needs-based approach.

Every race is a burden and the longer the flight time, the more more energy is required. It should actually every well-read today Growers should be aware that carbohydrates are metabolized first and After an hour of flight, mainly fats are used as an energy source will. Protein combustion is not available as an energy source on the flight Meaning. Regardless of whether there is a tailwind or a headwind, after each one In the race, energy reserves are built up again immediately. At the carbohydrates in the form of glycogen can be found in the simplest and quickest way liver and muscle are stored.

In order to shorten the regeneration phase, it makes sense to feed carbohydrates as early as possible. The “fastest” way to do this is with the drink and for a little longer with carbohydrate-rich cereal grains. The drinking trough also has the advantage that the pigeons usually take in plenty of water immediately after arrival and the regeneration of these energy reserves starts very early. A combination of fast and long-lasting carbohydrates is recommended for this purpose, which can keep the important blood sugar level constant.

In addition to replenishing glycogen stores can be done at the cellular level the antioxidant vitamin C to stabilize the body's defenses and contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration processes. vitamin C Favors iron absorption in the intestine, is involved in protein metabolism and involved in endogenous hormone synthesis. In addition, it is known that this valuable vitamin indirectly contributes to the burning of fat in the musculature is involved. A vitamin C dose immediately after the flight is therefore also recommended.

In addition to replenishing glycogen stores can be done at the cellular level the antioxidant vitamin C to stabilize the body's defenses and contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration processes. vitamin C Favors iron absorption in the intestine, is involved in protein metabolism and involved in endogenous hormone synthesis. In addition, it is known that this valuable vitamin indirectly contributes to the burning of fat in the musculature is involved. A vitamin C dose immediately after the flight is therefore also recommended.
For this reason, after flights lasting more than 2 hours, we also recommend feeding the organic phosphorus butaphosphane to accelerate the regeneration of metabolic by-products. This substance has been used in livestock farming for many years to relieve the liver and to regenerate after physical exertion. Especially after medium and severe states of exhaustion, the pigeons show how quickly the physical strain is overcome and the animals regenerate.

Her Alfred Berger
-Geschäftsführer Röhnfried-


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