MALLORCA DERBY 2019 – Derby pigeons arrived safely in Mallorca…

Last week the first transport of Derby pigeons to Mallorca was completed. More than 280 pigeons were airmailed from Amsterdam to Mallorca with Animals to Fly. The pigeons are now on the loft in Inca-Sencelles and can get used to their new environment.

On Wednesday, May 15th is the second due date.

For the 2nd deadline can the pigeons from May 11th to 15th at the central collection point Sven Zimmermann, Altmühlstr. 2, 53332 Bornheim, be given.

Also the mill Gladen is again taking pigeons for the Mallorca Derby during regular opening hours at.

Sports friend Michael Buxton from Lauenförde accepts Derby pigeons. With him the pigeons have to Be there Sunday May 12th at 8:30am.

The sports friends If you would like to deliver your pigeons by courier service, please do so on Wednesday, do May 15th.

Contact us if you have any questions please contact Sven Zimmermann on 0151 172 368 72 from 5 p.m. or 02222 951 043 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m

We want everyone again Sportfreunde point out that the registration form and the pedigree of the pigeons are to be submitted.


Team Mallorca Derby

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