Daniel Becker of Becker SG about goals and dreams for the tourist season of 2019.

"To be on stage in Dortmund at the end of the 2019 travel season would be a dream!"

"To be on stage in Dortmund at the end of the 2019 travel season would be a dream!"

"To be on stage in Dortmund at the end of the 2019 travel season would be a dream!"

"To be on stage in Dortmund at the end of the 2019 travel season would be a dream!"

The birds are housed separately. The birds are housed separately. The birds are housed separately. The birds are housed separately.The birds are housed separately.

The birds are housed separately.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling. Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling. Rozitol and Avisana Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

“I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains.

“I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains. “I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains. to stand“I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains.

“I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains. “I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains. “I'm not good at setting goals. I want of course good results, but I'm not jealous when others win. I think this is very important so that the pigeon sport is balanced remains.

While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system.

While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system.

While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system. While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system.While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system. While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system.While Daniel only travels with the females, Edith and Josef travel under their names with the birds and according to the same system.

In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”

In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”

Avidress In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.” UsneGano, Pigeon gold and Entrobac.

In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”

In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.” In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.” In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.” In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.” In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

Pigeon sport is widespread in the "Becker clan": In addition to Daniel's aunt and her son, his brother and his wife, his mother's uncle and two other nephews are also traveling.

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