Top results in 2019 ...

Weekend 08/09. June 2019…

Team Mühling, Balve

09.06.2019 Döbeln 395 km  1225 pigeons

2., 3., 19., 43., 43a., 62., 65…(31/17)

Horst Standke, Mettmann

0June 8, 2019 Höchststadt 693 pigeons

5., 17., 37., 46., 51., 56., 71., 97…(25/16)

SG Hermann & Philipp Kallen – Duisburg

0June 8, 2019 Höchstadt (356 km) RegV group 2,142 Old Tb.

1-2-4-5-6-7-8-18-19-21-22-27-29-36-46-47-69-71-73-75-78-82-95-98-99 etc. (73/101)

Wegmeth, horst – Netphen-Deuz

09.06.2019 Left (330 km) RV 550 Alttb.

3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-28 etc. (24/31)

SG Hagedorn & Becker & Schwick – Nordkirchen

09.06.2019 Left (447 km) RegV 6.908 Alttb.


291-295-299-316-327-384-410-418-427-508-514-521-541-626-645-688 etc. (54/82)

09.06.2019 Left (447 km) RegV 3.285 Jährige


239-263-327 etc. (39/54)

Team Book/Aarnink – Nordhorn

0June 9, 2019 Marktheidenfeld (336 km) RV 210 Alttb.

1-2-4-13-37 etc. (9/12)

Stolorz, Norbert – Recklinghausen

09.06.2019 Left (430 km) RegV 4.851 Alttb.

27-38-52-55 etc. (43/79)

09.06.2019 Left (430 km) RV 600 Jährige

8-24-26-31-47 etc.

Buhl, René – Föritztal

006/09/2019 Vouziers (454 km) RegV group 3,224 Alttb.

15-16-17-30-34-38-39-49-53-55 etc. (46/93)

buhl, Jörg – Föritztal

006/09/2019 Vouziers (454 km) RegV group 3,224 Alttb.

75-210-300-382 etc. (9/9!!!)

Muhl, Reinhardt & Ina – Gröningen

09.06.2019 Swiebodzin (306 km) FG 3.340 Alttb.

9-52-54-57-63-80-88-305-345 etc. (27/42)

Tönsmeyer, Manfred & Theresa – Verl-Senne

09.06.2019 Bar le Duc FG 1.697 Alttb.

3-5-8-10-40-44-49-51-59-61-64-73 etc. (24/40)

0June 9, 2019 Bar le Duc FG 827 year old

4-17-21-23-27-30-34-58-86 etc. (15/22)

Willy Steenaerts, Lummen


2nd, 4th, 14th, out of 468 pigeons Chateauroux 529 km 2049 m/m

27th and 95th nationally out of 20,613 pigeons

2 .,5 .,15 ..19 .,21 ., from Sens 339 km and 18/28 2134 m/m

11 .,54 .,163 .,198 .,200 .,377 .,395 .,440 .,474 .,623 .,630 .,664 .,767 .,840 .,of 8686 provincial and 18/28

1 .,5 .,9 .,14 .,27 .,30 .,31 ., out of 419 young pigeons Momignies 128 km

1 .,23 .,59 .,89., from 1654 pigeons Limburg-west. 2235 m/m

Philippens P., Feeding

08/06/2019 Chimay (127 km) Union 243 Old birds

2-11-13-24-26-43-66 (7/9p.)

08/06/2019 Chimay (127 km) Union 152 Yearlings

6-12-13-22 (4/5p.)

08/06/2019 Châteauroux (530 km) Club 101 Yearlings

2-3-4-8-25 (5/10p.)

08/06/2019 Auxerre (364 km) Provincial 1575 Yearlings


469-493 (23/45p.)

Stakenborg Peter, Neeroeteren

08/06/2019 Chimay (152 km) Union 1175 Old birds

4-5-6-7-16-18-20-22-38-46-52-53-56-59-62-71-72-74-76-125-126-175-323-326-326- 329-332-337-360-361-364 (31/39p.)

08/06/2019 Chimay (152 km) Union 730 Yearlings

3-4-5-13-15-21-23-26-28-34-35-59-60-88-175-175-179-180-196 (19/25p.)

Van Roy Koen, Asse

08/06/2019 Chateauroux (492 km) Club 717 Yearlings

1-3-5-42-54-69-117-127-141-190-211 (11/14p.)

08/06/2019 Etampes (311 km) Club 124 Yearlings

2-4-8-9-14-15-19-29-37-41 (10/11p.)

Rondags Gert & French, Big Spouwen

08/06/2019 Dizy (170 km) Union 177 Old birds

1-2-3-4-6-7-10-14-17-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-56-58 (18/24p.)

08/06/2019 Dizy (170 km) Union 111 Yearlings

1-2-4-7-12-13-14-15-16-25-26-37 (12/13p.)

08/06/2019 Chateauroux (530 km) Union 542 Old birds

11-31-57 (3/4p.)

Brugmans Sabrina, Halen

08/06/2019 Sens (307 km) Provincial 5269 Yearlings

18-32-61-462-533-1045-1261 (7/13p.)

08/06/2019 Etampes (349 km) Union 1332 Old birds

12-34-132-136-330-381-425 (7/10p.)

Of the John Wells, Trade

08/06/2019 Montlucon (625 km) Union 160 High

1-9 (2/3Tb.)

Poortvliet Jacob Surhuizum

09/06/2019 Sense (594 km) NPO 6252 High

8-16-60-121-154-262-340-373-699-976-1072-1756-1838 (13/18Tb.)

09/06/2019 Gennep (169 km) Department 9737 Alte

75-225-428-493-508-847-947-948-1121-1707-1971-2716-2830-2917-2925 (15/30Tb.)

Congratulations to all the winners !!!

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