"When we participate in an aerial race, then ever to win the goal!"

The year is just 24 weeks old and the pigeons of Röhnfried Racing Team member Hilaire Surinx and his wife Nadia Pletsers, Belgium, have already completed a dozen races. Hilaire explains which aspects they value most and which Röhnfried products they no longer want to do without.
Hilaire Surinx and his wife Nadia Pletsers are not only editors of the monthly magazine La Colombophilie Belge known, in which they publish interesting articles about the pigeon sport in all its facets, but also for their top results.

Hilaire - please describe the current situation on your travel loft!

“We travel according to the system of total widowhood. currently have we 40 cocks and 50 hens in the loft. There are 150 more youngsters. Our pigeons take part in races between 100 km up to 800 km.”

During the week our birds and hens only have shelves to sit on. On the day of basketing they will be motivated by opening the door to the "Party Zone". An attic hiding many dark corners

Which aspects do you particularly value?

"I can easily count the points on one hand:
1. Good pigeons
2. Good health
3. Good products
4. Experience
5. …and of course lots of training and hard work!”

What are your goals for the 2019 travel season?

"When we take part in a race, whether it's a Short, medium or long-distance trades, then always to win. A good friend once said to me 'Always go to the race as if it were your last race'!’“

Hilaire - what are you doing with your youngsters?

“We let them train a lot over short distances. We have also divided our youngsters into three groups:
Group I – This group was blacked out until early May. The youngsters in this group will stay together and will take part in races until mid-August participate.
Group II – Young birds. We black out the animals until the end of May. After that they are mated with old hens and take part in races until the end of August.”
Group III – The animals in this group will be blacked out by June 22nd and separated at the end of June. They start in the races until the beginning of September.”

Look into the batting compartment of the birds. In the past, the pigeons were fetched directly from their resting place without any motivation. Now they are motivated weekly, i. H. before the race, they switch to the “Motivation Loft” (“Party Zone”).

Which Röhnfried products would you no longer want to do without when looking after young animals?

We have been working successfully with Röhnfried products for many years. That is why the list of products that we no longer want to do without is quite long

Position 1 is very clear and unchallenged AVIDRESS! For us the basis to keep the pigeons healthy. "
Below I simply list all the Röhnfried products that Nadia and I use all the time:

In addition, the boys will soon be checked out by the vet, they have already been vaccinated.”

“The pigeon sport starts with healthy pigeons with soft feathers. Of course there is a hereditary aspect here though it is always possible to ensure that the animals' plumage is in the best possible condition all year round. We humans can simply change clothes - our doves can't. That’s why you have to help them and support them.”

Is there a race that is particularly important to you?

“As I said at the beginning, we start all races with the goal of winning. But the most important race for us is BOURGES NATIONAL (Bourges II 2019) the first weekend of August. Both for the young pigeons as well as for the old and the yearlings.

First results of the 2019 racing season

Hilaire and Nadia have some provincial flying and sprint racing several first places again proven. You can see the exact placements here see.

We just keep wishing Hilaire and Nadia GOOD FLIGHT - keep it up!

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