TOP Results 2019…

20-21 weekend. July 2019…

Those are them Top results of the weekend from 21.08. until 08/22/2021. – Vechta-Spreda

07/21/2019 Weil am Rhein (611 km) RV 191 Alttb.

1-5-8-11-19-21 etc. (9/16)

07/21/2019 Weil am Rhein (611 km) National 2,249 yearlings

1-26-55 (3/4)

Tönsmeyer, Manfred & Theresa – Verl-Senne

21.07.2019 Bar-le-Duc (420 km) RV 441 Alttb.

1-2-26-26-28-29-48-49-53-73-78 etc. (20/37)

07/21/2019 Bar-le-Duc (420 km) RV 224 year olds

1-2-9-10-11-25-39-40-46-47-48 etc. (14/26)

Muhl, Reinhardt & Ina – Gröningen

07/22/2019 Warsaw (650 km) RV 940 Alttb.

1-30-53-73-78-120-134 etc. (12/27)

Kersting & sons – Attendorn

22.07.2019 Enns (600 km) RV 261 Alttb.

3-4-13-21 etc. (7/9)

22.07.2019 Enns (600 km) RV 145 years old

1-37 (2/2)

Rondags Gert & French, Big Spouwen

21/07/2019 Towards accommodation (407 km) Union 827 High

3-4-15-29-48-49-54-65-66-78-89-90-93-123-128-140-152-156-168-182-184-185-250 (23/32Tb.)

21/07/2019 Towards accommodation (407 km) Union 114 Junge

1-2-3-4-8-30 (6/11Tb.)

21/07/2019 Towards accommodation (407 km) Union 464 Jährige

2-13-24-31-32-42-43-62-68-82-89 (11/19Tb.)

21/07/2019 Issoudun (503 km) Union 288 Years

6 (1/2Tb.)

Philippens P., Feeding

20/07/2019 Chimay (127 km) Union 274 Alte

2-5-9-13-16-19-24-33-37-38-40-52-53-55-57-66-77 (17/18Tb.)

20/07/2019 Chimay (127 km) Union 165 year olds

2-4-8-10-11-12-17-23-24-33-34-36-38-43-50 (15/16Tb.)

20/07/2019 Chimay (127 km) Union 737 young

9-12-14-15-16-17-18-34-39-59-70-76-87-93-115-147-164-206-210-218-238-239-240-242 (24/40Tb.)

20/07/2019 Fay-aux-Loges (412 km) Provincial 543 year olds

16-18-20-124-152 (5/9Tb.)

21/07/2019 Pont-Sainte-Maxence (280 km) Provincial 925 Alte

5-6-10-11-17-32-46-49-55-74-117-139-143-228-229-260 (16/21Teb.)

21/07/2019 Pont-Sainte-Maxence (280 km) Provincial 511 years

3-4-6-8-17-21-35-55-66-69-126 (11/14Tb.)

21/07/2019 Pont-Sainte-Maxence (280 km) Provincial 507 Boys

5-6-121-125 (4/5Tb.)

21/07/2019 Issoudun (505 km) Union 248 Years

12-39 (2/2Tb.)

The Weerd-Berckmoes Nicole, Eric, Lille

21/07/2019 Issoudun (519 km) National 11465 yearlings

117-123-134-319-348-369-468 (7/8Tb.)

Of the Auwera – Florea Guy, Wuustwezel

21/07/2019 Issoudun (522 km) National 11465 year old

3-68-69-102-132-137-952-1138-1502-1631-1879-2629 (12/18Tb.)

Steveninck Benny, Hamme

21/07/2019 Issoudun (485 km) Provincial 1485 Alte

2-30-78-81-95-112-178-219-226-285-341 (11/16Tb.)

21/07/2019 Issoudun (485 km) Provincial 2223 year olds

3-5-12-36-70-84-143-146-176-208-223-259-368-407-424-444 (16/21Teb.)

21/07/2019 Libourne (760 km) Provincial 990 elderly

42-43-119-192 (4/6Tb.)

21/07/2019 Orleans (384 km) Provincial 6154 young

9-77-156-157-279-377-861-866-921-1087-1462 (11/18Tb.)

Brugmans Sabrina, Halen

21/07/2019 Chevrainvilliers (350 km) Union 1847 Junge

34-35-48-64-71-82-97-99-102-107-161-266-269-276-304-349-534-536 (18/30Tb.)

21/07/2019 Issoudun (499 km) National 8248 Alte

187-310-367-742-1420 (5/5Tb.)

21/07/2019 Issoudun (499 km) National 11465 yearlings

145-231-271-757-1100-1496 (6/10Tb.)

21/07/2019 Fay-aux-Loges (400 km) Provincial 4600 Alte

26-56-61-75-118-342-395-452-562-625 (10/12Tb.)

21/07/2019 Fay aux Loges (400 km) Provincial 2691 year olds

14-30-44-68-185-216-242-605 (8/9Tb.)

21/07/2019 Fay-aux-Loges (400 km) Provincial 3972 Young

3-16-40-119-288-443-661 (7/12Tb.)

Stakenborg Peter, Neeroeteren

20/07/2019 Chimay (152 km) Union 462 year olds

2-9-15-16-17-18-30-31-43-52-53-69-95-101-102-136 (16/20Tb.)

20/07/2019 Chimay (152 km) Union 719 Alte

3-12-13-25-26-27-28-47-48-49-80-81-85-97-98-119-134-175-183-184-236-238 (22/31Tb.)

Hermans Huub, Born

21/07/2019 Chateauroux (556 km) Department 1239 Old birds
39-110-119-130-191-257 (6/8p.)

21/07/2019 Chalons de Champagne (253 km) Club 314 Youngsters
1-6-7-8-10-11-12-16-19-20-21-22-25-29-36-37-39-47-55-56-68-79 (22/41p.)

Of the John Wells, Trade

21/07/2019 Vervins (233 km) Union 238 Youngsters
1-2-3-4-5-6-13-21-41 (9/16p.)

21/07/2019 Vervins (233 km) Union 353 Old birds
1-3-5-6-7-9-12-13-18-30-39-41-43-60-63-86-94-95 (18/26 p.)

Poortvliet Jacob Surhuizum

20/07/2019 Bierges (294 km) Department 4386 Old birds
49-228-257-494-496-926-927-985 (8/10p.)

Janssen Peter, Kleve Lobinth

21/07/2019 Quievrain (232 km) NPO 2933 Old birds
1-19-21-117-119-140-228-242-281 (9/10p.)

21/07/2019 Chateaudun (539 km) NPO 2404 Old birds
20-31-117-296-319-361 (6/9p.

lenses Willi, Kleve-Emmerich

21/07/2019 Chateaudun (538 km) Department 968 Old birds
20-34-37-55-56-62-70-72-80-86-87-88-89-107-112-114-129-131-143-151-154-178-190-193-194-203-206-212-232 (29/50p.)

Congratulations to all the winners !!!

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