Important to finale…

The countdown to the final on October 5, 2019 is on. Only a few days left until the start of the Mallorca Derby grand finale. So here is important information again:

All breeders who still If you haven't handed in your pedigrees, please pass them on to Sven Zimmermann, Altmühlstr. 2 in 53332 Bornheim. If the lineage up Wednesday, October 2nd is not available, unfortunately the pigeon cannot be auctioned or no auction proceeds will be paid out.

Please remember you to register for the bus transfer from the breeder hotel Riu Concordia to the finca. the Buses are available from around 9:30 a.m. The fare is the same as in previous years €10.00 per person for a return trip. Register yourself and your passengers us by email at

For the final day on the Finca, there will be a fee of €25.00 per guest. the Sports fans who come by bus pay the amount when boarding the bus Bus.

We look forward to seeing you at the final!

Results of the 3rd prize flight

The 3rd and last prize flight before the grand finale next Saturday started on September 27, 2019 at 09:45 a.m. from the sea about 127 km away.

The pigeons flew quickly towards the island and reached the loft in Inca at 11:33:11. First place on this flight goes to Team Grandma Edith.

You can find the further order of arrival here…(click)

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