VANROBAEYS in Kassel 2019…

Quality Powder food

Vanrobaeys is and will always be a family business started producing pigeon feed in 1965. The enterprise grew into a strong brand. Many Belgian and international Top fanciers feed their best pigeons with Vanrobaey's mixtures to become your champions.

Vanrobaeys stands for passion, for quality and perfection, everything has to be right. Top quality is very important. Quality control is very important here. Vanrobaeys produces a diverse range of pigeon feed.

Each time of the year has its specific nutritional needs. For example, a moulting pigeon has different needs than in the racing season or during the breeding season. A healthy pigeon gets all the healthy single seeds. This is our starting point to keep thinking about expanding the range to meet the needs of today's pigeon nutrition.

We do this especially for our cutomers.

“You can have the best lofts or the best pigeons in the world, but you can't be happy anywhere without quality pigeon feed!

Visit us at our booth in Kassel – Halle 1 Stand 077″

Tom de Meester
Vanrobaeys pigeon feed

Belgian Top Quality Pigeon Food since 1965

Vanrobaeys nv

Priest Coulonstraat 100
B-8930 Rekkem
T 32 56 41 24 07
F 32 56 42 22 22

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