No international pigeon market in Kassel in 2020…
There is no planning security and no statements from the state authorities that could encourage us to hold the event, the opposite is the case - many large trade fairs have already been canceled by the end of 2020.
This decision was a very difficult one for us, as we have been successfully organizing the trade fair in Kassel with a lot of heart and passion for 30 years. But we don't want to expose you as an exhibitor or our many international visitors to any health risk; all protective measures would also make a joyful trade fair as we know and love it impossible.
Nevertheless, we look to the coming year with optimism, we will 'stay tuned' and focus all our energy on the preparation of the International TaubenMarkt on October 23rd and 24th, 2021.
Stay healthy and optimistic that we will overcome this difficult situation.
We'll meet Again!
With kind regards