The Team Soepboer wins the final of the Arona Tenerife 2020 Derby

On Sunday, July 5th, 2020, the time had come for a long-awaited final race of the Derby Arona in Tenerife. The organizer is happy to present the first winners here!

The pigeons started at 8 a.m. on a distance of 280 km. In warm and windy weather conditions (NNE wind) and 26 degrees it was a challenge for the pigeons to find the way home. The first pigeon to make it was ‘Mells’ NL-1777068. So was the winner of the final flight of the Derby Aona 2020:

Team Soepboer from the Netherlands!

The Soepboer team wins prize money of 120,000 euros. A day that the loft community will certainly never forget!

Team Soepboer

2nd place

The pigeon took second place ‘Kagava’, A-319-189  by the Team Kutlesa  from Austria.


3rd place

3rd place goes to Lorenzo van Russel from the Netherlands. His winning pigeon is 'Clover', NL-1669845


Congratulations to all winners !!!

Here you go directly to the DERBY ARONA website…(click)

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