"Ask the Berger" live on Facebook…

Do you already know the format "Ask the Berger"?

Alfred Berger answers live on Instagram every Wednesday your questions about the pigeon sport or has exciting visitors invited.

Last Wednesday, for example, Martin Stiens, the chairman of the air traffic control commission of the Association of German Carrier Pigeon Breeders, was a guest of Mr. Berger.

Exciting topics such as flight weather or the mission were discussed the flight director. In addition, of course, questions from the Community answered by the two experts.

By the way, you can find all the episodes that have already been broadcast on the YouTube channel: Röhnfried TV.
Have a look there!

Don't want to miss another episode and ask your questions?

Then be sure to check them out Röhnfried Facebook site stop by and subscribe to the channel right away. So you won't miss any more exciting news and can be there live next time.


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