In JANUARY 2021 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp ...

Antibiotics and paratyphoid

It was already clear in the 1990s that the Overuse of antibiotics puts the bacteria at risk against which they should fight, increasingly resist these agents. Old habits are difficult to change, hence this one became Years ago very little has been done to limit the use of antibiotics. Many doctors and in pigeon racing also the breeders were afraid to greatly reduce the use of antibiotics because of them feared that pigeons would have to deal with many more diseases. In those days it was very common to give preventive treatments to the pigeons even though they did not have any symptoms of illness showed.

This is currently difficult to imagine, but at this For the time being it was the rule rather than the exception. Alternative options have been developed by very few breeders taken seriously. The pigeons received so many antibiotics that they actually became addicted to antibiotics. The intestinal flora, now in microbiome was renamed was hit hard by the many antibiotics. Instead of a healthy microbiome, the gut colonized by many pigeons with greatly weakened good bacteria.

The result was that the pathogens were free Had hand and the pigeons got sick all the time. This in turn prompted the breeders to come back after to grab the medicine pot. A vicious circle made only by a radical Change of course could be broken. That required courage from the breeders who are used to it were to give medication often.

Natural means

In practice, however, we have in recent years noted a sharp increase in the use of natural means to achieve the Keeping the microbiome healthy, usually with great success. A healthy microbiome is almost synonymous with healthy pigeons. But while it works in practice, there is still many breeders who need to be convinced.

As mentioned earlier, old habits are tough to change.

Left at a loss

A clear example of how overuse of antibiotics forcing the pigeons to go backwards instead of forwards are those preventive antibiotic treatments in the fall for paratyphoid fever. More and more often we see breeders who are completely amazed are when they see that after a fortnight of paratyphoid treatment they suddenly have thick joints as a result of paratyphoid fever. These pigeons are usually irretrievable lost.

I experienced this phenomenon not so long ago discussed, but since I saw several cases again in the fall, it would don't hurt to note it again.

First of all it should be said that you are after End of the travel season up to the new travel season, possibly with exception treatment for trichomonads on eggs, if necessary, on your hands should leave off the antibiotics. Not only is it unnecessary, the good gut bacteria destroy if you give antibiotics too often but it affects also adversely affect the ability of the pigeons to develop effective resistance themselves build up. The pigeons stay unnecessarily much longer from these remedies dependent.


Back to the paratyphoid cure. As a preventive measure, I think that's absolutely nonsensical. I always compare it to a paracetamol, that I take in September to prevent headaches in December. Of course, clinical outbreaks of paratyphoid appear in the fall. Then it may be necessary to be concerned Animals individually with medication or, if all animals are sick, with consideration a resistance test of the bacteria detected to treat all pigeons.


In clinical outbreaks, the story becomes something different, although I have to say I've often preferred it, in all of them pigeons to work with PreviSal and only the affected and sick pigeons to be treated individually. This is a difficult task for many growers, who make it a habit to handle everything when few animals are sick. This has been with breeders and breeders for decades very common among veterinarians. Even now there are vets who radically all Putting pigeons on antibiotics.

We now know in science that not only Pathogens are killed by antibiotics, but that the many good and beneficial gut bacteria are also hit hard. In the last few months we have breeders again seen, which I had not reached with previous newsletters and which are short after preventive treatment, thick knots on the wings of several pigeons saw. The pigeons then had a latent paratyphoid infection. Unfortunately, these bacteria are not crazy either and have become due to the overuse of antibiotics in general opposed to the means to be used.

Result massive resistance. What could happen if you blind a 14 day Treatment against paratyphoid there without to know which drug works best? When you unexpectedly ask for a drug decides, in which the paratyphoid bacillus has built up resistance, helps this drug does not work against these bacteria. In fact, the disease will grow stronger because the disease-causing bacteria remain. Before the treatment, there was an unstable balance in the intestine. The good gut bacteria kept them pathogens at bay and prevented them from spreading en masse developed.

By doing this treatment with a substance that is not acts, we see that the good gut bacteria are badly affected, so that they no longer protect against the harmful paratyphoid bacillus can exercise. The number of good bacteria is greatly reduced, while the paratyphoid bacillus can get more growth space, resulting in a clinical outbreak of paratyphoid fever.

Enough pigeon fanciers who play doctors themselves then become with another Treat medication that is designed to treat this disease. This can lead to further destruction if the bacterium is also insensitive to this new active substance. The good gut bacteria get even bigger reduced. Good gut bacteria have so many important ones Functions for the health of the pigeon. This can keep the condition for a long period of time disturb. For this reason alone, the production of vitamins by the bacteria subside, leading to a relative deficiency in the can lead pigeons.

If you have a clinical outbreak with paratyphoid have your vet cultivate and take in these bacteria Make an antibiogram so that you know which medicine is in your case is still effective. Then treat the affected pigeons individually.

So we see good results when we don't treat sick pigeons at the same time with a product like PreviSal, which the Pathogen helps develop while it acts as food for the less serves good intestinal bacteria that allow them to thrive and paratyphoid fever in others Body can help.

While breeding in my own loft, I give the pigeons ten days before breeding long wheat germ oil. After the pairing, I give breeding oil, which I use together with PreviSal, Basic Core and bind Bio BMT to the feed.

Own pigeons

I started to look after my own pigeons every day during breeding. I cut the dosage in half so as not to give too much over a long period of time. That works fine. When the young hatch, I also give the old pigeons the kweeksupport product on a few days. I have to say that I have been very satisfied with this approach for several years. But in pigeon racing there are many roads that lead to Rome. So they do the best that works best in their own field.

Good luck!

Dr. Peter Boskamp


find them on a complete overview of Bony Farma Products

This practical book by veterinarian Peter Boskamp contains one Summary of his ideas and the approach that the Bony Farma product range.

The medical care in the pigeon sport is traditionally based on the aimed at healing sick pigeons. Drugs are often already used preventively. Due to the high risk of infection during the During the flying season, the use of medication is often essential. the Pigeon racing is a top sport. Even the smallest deviations can decide between victory or defeat. Today's legislation makes professional medical care in pigeon racing more difficult. In This book lays the foundations for strengthening general defenses discussed. At the same time, the possibilities are shown are available to sustainably increase the pigeons' defenses improve and the (increasing) dependence on medicines to decrease.

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