Davy Tournelle – Two national victories in 2020…

Travel season 2020

“We had a short but intense season here in Belgium. Due to Covid-19, the season started a little later, but that was true for all of us. From a sporting point of view, 2020 was probably one of them our best years.
Because of the later start of the season, we decided to take our adult birds and obscure year old males and females. So they had middle August still seven to eight flight feathers. Also the training plan has been adapted to the lockdown. We started the training in February, but it was shut down on three to four times a week.
In previous years our season started at the end of March / beginning of April. Last season we had the experience that the pigeons were ahead of the first national competitions did not require as many preparation flights. That is why we will start two weeks later next year. "

The recipe for success

“Stick to the same system year after year. A daily plan that is adhered to on time and correctly. A good supply of the same products every week from the time you return to the Beat until the moment of departure. Through continuous use a fixed schedule, the products are optimally absorbed are perfectly tailored to the needs of the birds' bodies. "

The workout

“The old pigeons are trained intensively until the week before the first national flight and then only have to train once a day for about an hour. The additional training flights (they will drive away by car) during the week will also no longer take place. Medicines are used as little as possible, only if the veterinarian deems it necessary. "

Vaccinations & Cure

“All pigeons are twice against paramyxo and once against smallpox vaccinated. On the advice of our veterinarian, they are because of their respiratory tract treated. "


“We follow a fixed supply plan during the travel season. The constant weekly sequence ensures continuity and good basic health. We also find that the pigeons recover faster if you stick to this schedule. It's easier to keep them healthy. They are more robust and they train better. They also last longer. "
Davy always scores with the old birds, even if we know that they already had a difficult program to complete as young birds and yearlings. You must take part in flights longer than 460 km each week.
On Saturdays when you return from your race you will receive a combination of Mumm and Rotosal and Bt-Amin forte (amino acids and electrolytes) in the drinking water. After each flight there is also a K + K Gold tablet (proteins to stimulate muscle regeneration).
On Sundays you will find a combination of witch beer and Carni-Speed ​​in the drinking trough. The feed is moistened with Moorgold and dried with K + K protein powder and Entrobac (positive for digestion).
On Mondays there is witch beer and Carni-Speed ​​in the drinking water, with the feed you get Moorgold + Entrobac + Immunbooster.
On Tuesdays, Blitzform and Carni-Speed ​​are added to the water. The feed is dried with Moorgold and enriched with Immunbooster.
On Wednesdays they get Blitzform and Carni-Speed ​​over the water and energy oil + RO 200 over the feed.
On Thursdays, the day of deployment, we give them clear water and before they go to the basket, they receive Blitz-Maxi-Kraft or Flugfit coated tablets or a RO200 tablet.

It is also important that you believe in your pigeons and your system. Be on time, take into account the biorhythm of your birds and try keep your system simple.

These pigeons shone on Davy Tournelle's loft in 2020:

“Tiesto’s Lady”, BE-18-2038246, will be 3rd national ace pigeons heavy middle distance KBDB old birds 2020 with these prizes:

1st national Argenton against 16,762 pigeons
12th national Châteauroux against 20,800 pigeons
12th national Guéret against 7175 pigeons
55th national Châteauroux against 12855 pigeons
80th national Issoudun against 10603 pigeons

“Torres Blue”, BE-18-2038330 flies these prices:

1st national zone Issoudun against 3476 pigeons
2nd provincial Salbris against 4074 pigeons
3rd national tulle against 3064 pigeons
6th national Issoudun against 11480 pigeons
3rd national zone Tulle against 1790 pigeons
9th interprovincial Melun against 1349 pigeons
12th provincial Blois against 3277 pigeons
45th interprovincial Melun against 9009 pigeons

“Beauty Lagoon” becomes the 30th national ace pigeon on the heavy middle distance KBDB yearlings 2020 with the following prizes
9th national Guéret against 12,888 pigeons
26th national La Souterraine against 15,939 pigeons
57th national Châteauroux against 33,833 pigeons
487th national Issoudun against 18176 pigeons
650th national Argenton against 26085 pigeons

Successes 2020

14/06 Melun against 2424 year olds: 3, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 30, 35, .. (65/115)
20/06 Salbris against 4074 old people: 2, 4, 15, 40, 48, 49, 62, 86, 89, ... (43/67)
11/07 Argenton Nat. against 16,762 old people: 1, 8, 42, 67, 71, 83, 103, ... (50/64)
18/07 Issoudun Nat. against 10,603 old people: 28, 30, 51, 52, 80, 86, 97, ... (50/63)
01/08 Guéret Nat. against 7175 old people: 2, 12, 21, 40, 134, 136, 148, ... (33/62)
01/08 Guéret Nat. against 12,888 year olds: 9, 26, 37, 72, 78, 109, 125, ... (43/91)
22/08 Tulle Nat. against 4451 year olds: 1, 2, 10, 18, 19, 21, 68, 77, 78,… (32/65)

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