SG Allmannsberger Kainz…
The successful strike community from Bavaria
Impact community consists of the 37-year-old Mario Allmannsberger and
the 41-year-old Christian Kainz. Both Allmannsberger and Kainz
are fully engaged in professional life and both are young fathers, what the
both in 2016 moved to a blow community with stricter
establish a division of labor. Allmannsberger has been taking care of him since that time
exclusively to the racing pigeons and Christian Kainz to the
Breeding pigeons housed at 7 km from the racing loft.
Mario Allmannsberger took part in another in 2009 for the first time
Impact community traveling part of the young flight. After the 2013 season was
this impact community dissolved again, since Allmannsberger
decided to travel independently. After a professional
Reorientation was in 2016 for the first time from the new impact system
enforced. From this time on, the winter months were always used
to improve the impact system. Since 2019 it works very well and
offers the pigeons many opportunities and a feel-good atmosphere.
Christian, who traveled very successfully himself from 1994 to 2010, was
here a good guide and partner, especially what the game with
affects females.
Fascination pigeon sport
In the pigeon sport, of course, the arrival of the pigeons fascinates us
the price flights and it is always a great experience for us.
The bond that is built up with the pigeons over the years
we don't want to miss it. Especially with the racing pigeons we consider that
Bonding with the breeder as extremely important. Every pigeon has its
Peculiarities that I as a breeder have to recognize and respond to.
Mario takes care of the racing pigeons that he has on the property
are accommodated. Christian takes care of the breeding pigeons. In the
Compilation of the pairs and the selection of racing pigeons
but never decided anything alone.
The role of Röhnfried products
I got through to Röhnfried products in winter 2016/2017
the videos on YouTube carefully. Above all, Klaus Steinbrink has me
here fascinated and convinced. 2017 could immediately a significant
improvement in travel performance. We got that
Röhnfried's overall concept is convincing. In the courier will
excellently described what the pigeon needs at what time.
We are particularly impressed by the concept of keeping the animals healthy.
The product Usne Gano in conjunction with Avidress is for us
become indispensable. The pigeons are in one 365 days a year
in absolute top condition and bursting with health. Also the
Regeneration phase after the races could with the use of
Rotosal, and BT Amin are significantly shortened. Especially with heavy ones
flights, shortening the regeneration time is crucial.
The supply plan I initially created still had
potential for improvement. After excellent advice from
Frederik Wolf in the winter of 2018, the defects were remedied. Since then
nothing more serious changed in the existing pension plan. Size
No changes to the supply are planned for 2021. it will be in
Considered using Hexenbier for pre-season.
“We had very smooth flights this year, which made my pigeons theirs form could continuously improve. It was just fun!”
The top performers of the loft are 05114-18-032, which is now flying full houses for the second year in a row, 05114-18-208 and 05114-17-147, to name just a few. These pigeons come mainly from pigeons of the Dutch grandmaster Koopmann (line Annelies/Max Danzer and Cassius/Hans Liebl). But also a bird by Andreas Drapa (son Marco), which Andreas gave to Allmannsberger in autumn 2013, is the father and grandfather of many excellent pigeons.
secret of success
In our opinion, our success is due to the following points.
• Treating animals with respect
• Sophisticated system
• Impact system that offers opportunities for the pigeons
• Constant training and information/exchange with top breeders
We would advise less successful breeders…
• ... to develop a supply concept, stick with it and then select the pigeons
• …largely, if possible, to do without medication
• …analyze failures and not blame others
Only against paramyxo and smallpox. Since the use of Röhnfried products, no medication has been used, not even when young pigeon disease broke out or a tricho cure before the start of the trip. The success proves us right here, because in the years 2019 and 2020 (in old and young flight together) only eight pigeons were lost on training and prize flights. The most important thing for us before success is not to lose a pigeon.
1st RV master
Bronze and gold medal old flight
1st and 2nd best hen of the RV with 11/11 each
2. RegV-Meister (same price as the first)
1st, 2nd, 3rd ace hen of the RV
5th, 10th, 16th, best female regional association
Travel performance approx. 63%
Contact info
phone: +49 160 7872884