TOP results 2021…
Rind, Rainer – Rhede-Brual
08/31/2021 Borken (147 km) RegV group 4,573 youngsters
9-18-22-24-26-28-32-34-35-37-46-48-50-97-100-118-164-186-197-236-238-260-261-416-461- 469 etc. (41/63)
05.09.2021 Pulheim (242 km) FG 1,111 youngsters
2-3-3-15-16-17-21-22-25-27-28-29-31-32-33-45-46-48-50-67-81-87-89-93-95- 95-102-104-107-137 etc. (45/65)
Stolorz, Norbert – Recklinghausen
01.09.2021 Gelnhausen (204 km) RV 1,088 youngsters
1-2-3-5-6-9-10-14-14-16-17-17-26-30-31-32-33-34-41-53-54-55-57-62-63- 64-65 etc. (64/98)
Muhl, Reinhard & Ina - Gröningen
0September 4th, 2021 Frankfurt/Oder (235 km) RV 684 youngsters
1-2-3-9-12-15-27-34-54-74 etc. (17/30)
Kersting & Sons - Attendorn
01.09.2021 Wertheim (190 km) RegV. 2.178 Jungtauben
9-10-10-12-12-14 etc. (61/72)
05.09.2021 Höchstadt (260 km) 2,694 youngsters
10-36-36-38-38 etc. (44/72)
Frank Hagedorn – René Becker – Emil Schwick, RV Lüdinghausen
1. Competition on 05.09.21 from Dettelbach (291 km) against 1,333 pigeons in the RV, 2,359 in the RegV-Grp and 4.149 im RegV
There were144 Pigeons set and111awards won.
1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,16.,18.,20.,21a.,21b.,21c.,24.,26.,28. ,29.,31.,32.,33a.,33b.,35a.,35b.,37.,38.,39.,41.,43.,…(RV)
1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,17.,19.,24.,25a.,25b.,25c.,28.,30.,32. ,33.,35.,36.,37a.,37b.,39a.,39b.,41.,42.,43.,45.,48.,…(RegV-Grp)
1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,17.,19.,24.,25a.,25b.,25c.,28.,30.,32. ,33.,35.,36.,37a.,37b.,39a.,39b.,41.,42.,43.,45.,48.,…(RegV)
Wolfgang Brinker, RV Cloppenburg
1. Competition on 09/05/21 from Oberhonnefeld (261 km) against 526 pigeons in the RV and 2.816 in der RegV-Grp
There were55 Pigeons set and in the RV38 Awards won:
< span style = "text-decoration: underline;" > Horst u. Frank Sander , RV Munster
1. Competition on 09/05/21 from Dettelbach (302 km) against 506 pigeons in the RV and1.766 in the FG
There were 40 Pigeons set and in the RV26 Awards won:
SG Schmidt-Schroll, RV Oer-Erkenschwick e.V.
1. Competition on 09/05/21 from Bad Kissingen (255 km) against 415 pigeons in the RV and 773 in the FG
There were 61 Pigeons set and in the RV42 Awards won:
1.,2.,3.,4.,9.,10.,10.,12.,12.,12.,15.,16.,18.,20.,29.,30.,… (RV)
1.,2.,3.,4.,11.,12.,12.,14.,14.,14.,17.,19.,25.,27.,37.,38.,… (FG)
Sahasrabuddhe, RV Recklinghausen 08
1. Competitionon 05.09.21 from Bad Kissingen (252 km) against 358 Pigeons
There were29 Pigeons set and 17 Awards won: