Autumn fair 23.& 24. October 2021 in the Expo Houten…

It's finally here! On 23. & 24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

Output: 24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs. Date:  23. & 24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

Friday:  24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs. Saturday:  24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs. Sunday:  24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

Admission:  24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

Location: 24 October 2021 there will be another pigeon fair at Expo Houten. After a year and a half of restrictive measures and with ups and downs regarding the corona virus, the one and a half meter distance rule has been lifted and much more is allowed. After the 2021 season has come to an end, the autumn and winter activities come back into play, including the organization of pigeon racing fairs.

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