TOP results 2022…
These are the top results from the weekend of July 2nd. until 07/03/2022
SG Weber & Kleekamp-Recklinghausen
007/03/2022 Forchheim (340 km) Reg. 2,471 pigeons
24-32-68-72-76-104-137-143-177-189-206-207-217-220-239-262-263-267 etc. (26/36)
007/03/2022 Forchheim (340 km) RV 154 year olds
4-8-11-18-19-23-29 etc. (7/15)
Stolorz, Norbert – Recklinghausen
007/03/2022 Passau (551 km) FG 1,415 pigeons
11-34-44-69-81-94 etc. (30/54)
SG Muhl, Reinhardt & Ina - Gröningen
007/03/2022 Klodawa (512 km) RV 712 pigeons
4-5-7-9-12-13-20-22-32-42-45-46-69-77-99 etc. (22/52)
SG Anna-Lena and Klaus Müller
03.07.2022 Straubing (423 KM) RV 877 pigeons
11,22,51,53,65,91,102 u.s.w 16/22
Brinker, Wolfgang - Vechta-Spreda
007/03/2022 Bruchsal (418 km) RV 283 pigeons
1-2-4-6-7-12-13-14-15-17-22-24-28-29 etc. (25/33)
Etienne Pauwels, Kermt
02-07-2022 Melon 313 km Verein 601 Alttauben
9-12-19-21-29-42-61-73-81-118-149-153-166-180-198 (15/15)
02-07-2022 Melon 313 km association 1433 young pigeons
12-22-31-39-51-74-75-90-104-110-123-141-154-206-279-285-287-313-345-370-373-375 (22/22)
Albert Derwa, Herent
02-07-2022 Momignies 105 km club 236 youngsters
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-16-17-18-19-19-22-23-28-29-32-33-38-46-49-54-55-57-58-63-73-74 (31/47)
02-07-2022 Vierzon 451 km Provincial 749 Alttauben
1-4-13-18 (4/4)
02-07-2022 Vierzon 451 km Provincial 1418 years old
26-43-52-55-56-57-214 (7/8)
If they too have achieved top results and be interested in a publication send an email to