Luc de Laere Entry: 1st National Chateauroux 4,003 old pigeons – Candidate 1st Nat. AS pigeon KBDB large middle distance 2022…

On August 6th, 2022, Luc De Laere (Anzegem) became National Champion Belgium by CHATEAUROUX I in the category "old birds". his pigeon „ARMIN“ (BE20-3000523) was recorded on Saturday at 14:08:26 after a flight of 467 km with an average speed of 1129.89 m/min.

Weather conditions during the liberation: blue skies and sunny spells, no wind, good visibility. But the northeast wind made it a difficult race! With this performance, "ARMIN" National Ace Pigeon Heavy Middle Distance old birds KBDB 2022. Preliminary result: Best old bird with 4 prizes in the middle distance races (national, zonal and provincial).

A fantastic result.


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